Name: Matsura Tsuji Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Reference Image][img][/img][/hider] Matsura has black hair and lime green eyes, which are underlined with dark shadows from a lack of sleep. His straight hair falls down, covering his left eye, in spikes just above his neck. He has a rather fair complexion and frail build. He rises to a mere 5'9" in height. Matsura's everyday attire consist of a back t-shirt, faded gray jeans and a forest green hooded jacket. He tends to roam around bear foot in his base, but he will wear a pair of worn, black converse if he is forced to leave. Role: Green King Occupation: Leader of JUNGLE Skills: Matsura is a highly skilled engineer and computer genius. Such skills allow him to hack into a variety of systems, such as security systems, as well as construct bombs, with which he can set off via his aura. When he is not on the computer, fairly decent cook, however he does not utilize his skills in any other way besides making sweets. Besides technology and baking, Matsura doesn't hold much interest in any other hobbies. This doesn't include the entertainment from a book or two. He tends to read quite a few of those when he isn't scheming. Powers: Green Aura- This aura grants Matsura, as well as all of this clansman, the ability to induce and manipulate electricity. Though weak, this ability allows him to strike down enemies from long distances. Mastura, being the most skilled at using this aura, can use it to absorb electricity from any surrounding power sources, such as light bulbs. He can also use this ability in reverse, in which he can overpower units to the point to which they break. Phasing- With is ability, Matsura is able to defy physics and phase through solid objects, such as walls and floors. He is also granted an ability, as king, that allows himself to walk on walls and ceilings if he so desires. Only his most esteemed clansmen are granted this power. Personality: Matsura is not exactly he type of person you would expect to be a king. Lazy, apathetic and somewhat childish, he would rather stay locked away at his base than meet his enemies face to face. Despite his introvert nature, Matsura is a fairly good leader of his clan. His analytically and strategy-based abilities had claimed him a prodigy from a young age. Even under extreme pressure and anxiety, Matsura can create flawless plans and schemes in a matter of minutes for his clans members to then undertake. His downfall is his anger, which if trigger, can lead him to take drastic and somewhat dangerous measures to achieve his desires. This rarely happens, though. Despite his twisted desires, Matsura is rarely preserved as insane. Indifferent, perhaps, but not insane. History: Matsura went through a rather rough childhood. His father left his mother soon after Matsura was born. This incident had a very traumatic effect on his mother, which caused her to become overly protective of her son. Matsura was never allowed to go to school as a child, due to his mother demanding that she would home school him instead. This lead him to spend many hours alone in his room with a laptop. It wasn't long before he, and many others , discovered is unnaturally technological abilities. Local School officials when as fas as to claim him a prodigy, which he was, and tried to convince his mother to allow him a public educate. She refused. Being a genius, however, never pardoned Matsura from discrimination. Neighborhood kids would regularly attack him in the alleyways when ever they caught him away from his house. Perhaps the lys did this out of anger or envy of his abilities. Either way, each pummeling ended with the same threat that if Matsura told his mother the beating the next day would be harder. Matsura, in turn, never did. Overtime, Matsura developed a rather indifferent attitude towards the boys actions. This eventaully stripped him of his social skills and disconnected him from the world as a whole. What could he do to change the cruelties that filled his life? Why should he care? It has been only two years since Matsura became to Green King. At first, many had high hopes for him. He was smart, somewhat likable and possessed good leadership qualities. This hope soon transformed into disgust when the other kings learned of Matsura's twisted views on justice formed from his harsh upbringing. Of all the clans, Matsura holds a particular grudge against HOMURA. Their reputation as a vicous street gang struck a bad note with him. In his conquest to gain the power over the world he never had as a child, he knew he had to find some way to eradicate them, and, eventually, all the other kings as well. Other: His diet is only composed of sweets ans candies, many of which he bakes himself. Edit: I changed his last name. Everything else is the same as before.