Yeah? Alright then, I'll throw up an CS than. -------------------------------------- Here's my CS [hider=WIP] [b]Name[/b]: Ray Moore [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Male Appearance: [img=] [b]Personality[/b]: Ray is energetic to say the least. He always seems to be in a good mood, even when in some of the more depressive situations. He uses training as an outlet to his energy. Ray doesn't really pay attention to what he says, sort of like a child, which can lead to some...awkward situations. Ray seems to take an avid interest in whatever he is currently doing. Reading, fighting, eating, hunting, it doesn't matter. As soon as Ray starts an activity, he gets really into it, and as soon as he stops, he almost looses interest completely. No matter what he's doing , however, he always has his fellow rebellions on his mind; even though his sporadic nature might get a little out of hand sometimes, he can keep focused on a certain goal or objective. Rather it be protect your allies, or raid a building, you can rely on Ray to stick to the plan. [b]History[/b]: Ray's past is mostly shrouded in mystery. Ray was found as an infant on the side of a road by a rebel who was passing by, he went by the name Seth. Nothing is known about his biological mother or father, except for what they look like. When the Seth took in Ray they noticed he was carrying a small locket, the contents of the locket being the pictures of both Ray's father and his mother. The Seth raised Ray until the day Ray was old enough to take care of himself. Ray and Seth trained non-stop for years, preparing both Ray and Seth. Seth , unlike Ray, grew muscles and toned his body making him much more muscular looking. Whereas Ray stayed the same slim shape, Ray had muscle and all, but he wasn't beefy. Seth helped Ray practise and train his body to be able to withstand anything the E.T.'s had in store. Because Ray wasn't exactly built for heavy lifting, Seth aided Ray in learning what he was good at, and focused on those skills. Seth's teaching were only limited to fighting off enemies and Ray taking advantage of his own body, the one area Seth couldn't help with, was Ray's mutation. Seth tried understanding Ray's mutation but Seth, not having an abnormality of his own, just couldn't relate. The struggles of the world and the life of a rebel started to really takes it's toll on the once strapping Seth. He was no longer the man he was 20 years ago, and it was quite obvious to Ray and everyone around him. It was only a matter of time when Ray would take the Seth's place in this war; And when that time comes, Ray will be ready and prepared for it. When Ray reached the age of 18 Seth decided he could no longer keep him, with Seth nearing old age he could no longer afford to look after the quickly growing Ray. Ray knew what this meant, but he listened any ways. As time passed and the rebellion move across the land, so did Ray; Leaving behind the man who took him in and raised him since he was a baby, and growing up into a man in the process. [b]Skills[/b]: Because of his small figure, Ray is very agile and quick. Very useful in situations that require him to go in and get out quickly. He's a quick thinker and he can act accordingly, even when filled with adrenaline, solutions come to him in dire situations. He's not much of a hand to hand fighter, but he can handle his bowie knife quite well. He keeps the large knife on the back of his right hip, out of the way but sill easily accessible. [b]Powers[/b]: Ray mutation had affected his bones. Ray's bones have less density than everybody else, which make them lighter in weight. This allows him to jump exceptionally higher than others, and run a lot faster; this aids the way he fights and moves. He try's to take advantage of his bone density in every way he can. throwing light objects becomes easier, changing velocity become quicker, and anything else that the weight of you bones affects. The only downside to his light bones, is they have become slightly more fragile. Ray has experienced multiple bone fractures and breaks, fortunately his bones recover at a moderately quick rate. Where a regular person's bones heal in 6-8 weeks, Ray heals in about 5. [/hider]