It had been another long trip for Selene. And by 'long', it was actually very, very, almost nerve-shatteringly, [i]boring[/i]. Then again, there was an emphasis on the 'had been' part. Two runners, decked with skulls and red paint, trailed behind her as she traveled along atop a massive Skag. The only reason that they weren't scrap while she was heading for her destination was because they were actually shooting at her, which broke the monotony of her trip. She laid back on her pet, watching the bullets fly, occasionally scraping along the Skag's armor or hitting her shields. "A bandit hit team? No, too sloppy. Maybe just some random idiots trying to harass people on the road." She spoke, mostly to herself, as her Skag zig-zags along a dirt road. She gets up, standing on the back of her pet, and draws a Valdof Rocket Launcher. She flips the sights out, pulling her goggles down to zoom in on the Bandits. There was psychos on the side, and she took a moment to consider letting her Skag attack. Instead, Selene grins, drawing a bead on the first Runner, then firing, sending it off the road with its driver mushy in the seat. It hit something, possibly a rock, flipping over on its side and sending the psychos off, crushing the gunner as he gets tossed into its path. She turns, firing at the other just as it begins to zig-zag to avoid getting a shot on it. The rocket screamed by, missing the Runner entirely, and she aims again, firing the rockets in a line right behind her pet, catching the bandit vehicle with a rocket and causing it to go up in flames. She puts the rocket away, and opens up her ECHO device, checking the time and distance. They were pretty close, and she yelled out. "Cibb! Heel!" Cibb skidded along the ground, arresting its momentum and letting Selene off. She comes around to the front of it, petting it and listening to it pant. She gestures toward it, recalling it into storage, then she gestures again, drawing forth a cybernetic Stalker. It promptly vanishes from sight, trailing behind her as she enters into the city, searching for someplace to get some food, and information.