[b] The Prison [/b] The Growth seemed frustrated that it could not envelope Abaddon quickly and it rippled in pain as parts of it were burned off by his foe. After being ripped into pieces by telekinetic force, it slowly reformed and was about to attack again when the massive sandstorm came in and smothered it. A pile of sand covered the Growth and then Zenith flew back in. His eyes glowed red and steamed the pile of sand, burning it to such an intense degree that the sand turned to glass and encased the Growth within, forming a temporary prison. The Growth itself had suffered catastrophic damage from the assault and it stayed inert in the glass. The two pieces of Growth that Abaddon held stopped moving and didn't enter Behemoth or Sarco. Michael fired a blast of light right in Sarco's face and promptly knocked him out, Behemoth following shortly later as Chrome got him into a chokehold and squeezed until he didn't move anymore. Behemoth reverted into his regular, scrawny human form while Sarco remained as a mutant crocodile man. They were both placed in cuffs though Sarco's were rated for super-strong bruisers. Chrome and Michael hauled them off to a VTOL for temporary containment at the Hall. Olympia cursed under her breath and flew off to help pacify other areas of the Prison and Zenith stared at Abaddon, "Report back to the Hall, we'll talk later." Zenith cast his attention to Desert Vampire, "Bring the wounded team members back to the Hall and rendezvous with Pariah's team in the city. They need their own assistance." A few VTOL's arrived outside of the building to bring the wounded and captured back to the Hall, EMTs and security staff helping them back in. [b] The Den [/b] Pariah reloaded and said, "The hostages are out, Morningstar already set charges. Now we just bug o-" he was interrupted by a shout over the radio from one of the VTOL crew. Pariah shouted, "Secure the VTOL now! We'll cover this side!" When the heroes got back to the transport they saw a firefight. A squad of heavily equipped and armed men were trading bullets with the few men who had been left behind on the VTOLs. One security staffer lay prone on the roof while another five fired back at twelve men, using the transports as cover. With the Legion men was the teleporter Flasher with pistol in hand. Next two him were another man and woman, the man was completely covered in stone while the woman's hair trailed out in long tendrils that seemed to move on their own. One such strand snapped out and caught a man around the waist and lifted him screaming in the air. The VTOLs would be overrun in moments if they didn't do something. Vigilance drew his pistols and started shooting at the woman. Another clump of hair had shifted in front of her and the bullets dug into the mass with little effect. The stone man had bullets bounce off of him as he slowly walked towards the VTOL and Flasher suddenly appeared behind Vigilance with a pistol raised at his back. Vigilance snapped his arm back without looking and caught him in the face. Flasher stumbled and Vigilance caught his gun hand and twisted it behind him, making the pistol drop. He raised his pistol to shoot but Flasher was gone. He appeared above him and fell on Vigilance making him crash to the ground. Flasher sat on his chest and trapped Vigilance in the worse position possible as he wrapped his hands around his neck and started to squeeze, Vigilance choking and trying to raise his gun. Inside the building Pariah and Morningstar could hear another wave coming. Pariah raised his pistols to fire when suddenly one of the boarded windows shattered in splinters of wood as Stalker jumped in. She deftly twisted to the side as Pariah took aim at her and fired. Then she jumped at Morningstar with knives flashing in both hands, crossing the distance in very little time. Pariah tried to shoot at her in the air when another wave of henchmen rounded the corner and forced him to take aim at them and start trading bullets. He trusted his former apprentice to take care of the metahuman.