[quote=Dmessenger] (guard)The guard held back the chuckle and said "you really shouldn't be saying hello in such a casual manor with our two clans being this close to war, it's liable to get you caught." The guard looks around and said "now hurry up and get somewhere safe before another guard sees you" The guard then winked and said "the old man is expecting you so don't be late, he hates it when you're late" [/quote] Kitten looked down and spoke softly, "I know..it seems most manners of people are leaving town these days. I am sure I will be fine, there is no need to worry. The old man wouldn't let them touch me." she nodded and looked up at the guard with a smirk, then spoke again, "Stop worrying I will be fine, I will kick their asses if I have to. I am not that small you know. The old man does get a bit grumpy some times so I can understand him getting upset when I am late. " [quote=nerminator] 'you have a deathwish if you want to enter that village' shigan says to the girl [kitten] 'you never exactly told me your name' [/quote] Kitten looked at Shigan, and said "Yeah and your chicken. Now come on! Im sure He wouldn't mind if you join in on a couple games. You won't win though, just saying." She paused looked at the village, then spoke again, "My name is Kitten, just so you know." Kitten walked into the village and made her way to the dark alley behind the first building of the village. Once in the dark, kitten looked for where she would go next, She knew it was best to keep hidden.