"'d be more than happy to. Have yet to venture out that far, myself. I'd suggest waiting until we have one or two more people to join us, though. From my impression of the place, there's a lot of dragons out there. Don't want to get jumped by a group of them and not have the fire-power to get out of there alive, after all." Hypatia nodded at the other Dragonslayer, returning her focus to the now-helmetless Alexandria. There was an instant of doubt that a girl this young was a knight, but that doubt was quelled. She was barely a teenager when she started trying to kill dragons, after all. She'd take this girl as seriously as she would any other knight. "No need to worry about not being taken seriously, Alex - can I call you that? I know the feeling of being underestimated because of youth all too well.. Not so much these days, of course, but at least I still look the part." It was either a joke or Hypatia simply failed to notice the only increasing signs of maturity on her features, most notably the stress lines under her eyes, giving her a permanently 'didn't-have-enough-sleep' look. "I'll definitely keep an ear out for your father when I'm out and about. Have you asked anyone else around town? Guards maybe?"