Araile looked at HumHum and smiled, "I would very much like for this battle between our races to end. I hate to see us fighting when we could help each other. We could bring you fish, and you could bring us...well honestly I have no idea. We are not taught much about the good of a harpy, rather than the bad. I am sorry, my words can seem so harsh at times and I am not intending to be." Araile moved herself more out of the water and on to the rock closer to HumHum. Mainly she wanted to show him that she trusted he would not hurt her, and that she herself would not harm him. "Together we could a force against our cultures, to turn them around, to see through someone else's eyes for once. My father is the king of the sea." Araile ran a hand through her wet hair and flipped her tail fin in and out of the water, making little waves. The storm outside was raging still, so she knew that she had a good amount of time to talk to HumHum.