[b]Mark[/b] It was when he noticed an Asian boy staring at him in his peripheral vision that Mark realised just how self absorbed he was currently being. Here he was, in a group of the strangest people he had ever seen, and all that he could ponder was himself. He snapped back to reality, and took a look at his Rolex to make sure he was back to the right time-frame. It was ticking a tad bit too slow. Rats. He calmed himself, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes. It was ticking away again as it should. It never let him down. "Hi!" He looked up, and saw that the Asian boy was actually a girl, and that they were most likely Korean. He gave her one of his patented slight-tight-lipped grins. And as she drew a breath to start her next sentence, he accidentally began to analyze her. [i]What is she doing at the back? A lot of people are going forward to give some demonstration of their stuff, or are talking amongst themselves like theres nothing important going on.. So, is she malicious? Unlikely giving the innocence of that wave, but I can't think of a reason why else she would be at the back of a group like.. No wait, theres the answer. She's a fish out of water, just like me. She's surrounded by the fantastical, and I'm pretty sure she'd be happier to talk to a normal guy that the 8ft lizard. Not that theres anything wrong with being an 8ft lizard.. it's just damned intimidating. Or maybe I'm just projecting myself onto her... Maybe she's just the person that wants to make sure everyone is included.. Maybe she's effectively the welcoming committee and I've been noticed as new... Alright, so thats a 10% of malice, 50% of nervous, and 40% of compassionate. Right then, so what else can I deduce given..[/i] Mark suddenly realised what he was doing, and gave himself a small knock on the side of the head to snap him back. The world spun again. She very subtly slid closer to him. "I'm Nikki Biyung, new student here, and I was wondering if I'm not the only one who is hesitant to stand up there in front of everyone." He discretely raised an eyebrow. [i]Ah, it was nervous. I thought as much.. Now lets make a good first impression.[/i] "Tell me about." He said while slightly shaking his head, looking ever so slightly upwards. Mark returned her gaze. "I'm really not sure whether or not I even belong here. You'd have to really pay any attention to even know that I [i]have[/i] a power." He said it with a wry chuckle.