[u] [i] [b] Jack [/b] [/i] [/u] Jack was trying to regulate his breathing when the whole world began to spin. In. Out. In. Out. His eyes were closed so he couldn't see anything, although he didn't have eyes at the moment. When everything shook his eyes flew open. He was laying flat on his back in... sand? His bony fingers scooped some of the substance up and he watched as it slid through his hand. Reaching under himself, Jack moved to push himself to his feet. It wasn't until he was already standing that he realized he was not alone. He froze fear bubbling up in his chest, before shaking his skull. It was time to say enough was enough. No more would he be afraid for people to see him as he was, the monster he truly was. Not to mention no one even would know it was him until he told them. Reaching up to rub the bridge of his nose as he did often, he realized he didn't have a nose any longer. That part was cartilage. Sighing his hand naturally went to his ears; they were missing also. "God damn it." This was going to take some getting used to. Looking around at the group of people Jack saw many people he recognized. Only a few of them were new to him. "So where the hell are we anyway." Jack's gaze fell on Erin and instantly the bubbly feeling in his chest rose again. She was here also? She would see him like this and never want to be with him. Never mind that, if she was stuck here than he would have to make sure she got out safe. Making his way over to her he bent down over her body lieing in the sand and gently put a skeleton hand on her arm. "Are you... okay?" What else could he say in a situation like this. Even for a half-blood this was weird.