[b]SIXGUN[/b] Sixgun was unable to sleep. Too many thoughts racing around his head, not to mention Pariah's occasional updates. Just because that man got by on three hours a night didn't mean everyone else had to. Instead, he had taken to spells of sitting quietly, punctuated by pacing the room with a cigarette in his mouth. The factory tobacco wasn't a patch on the old-fashioned stuff, but it helped calm his jangling. Just in one night, he had almost been beaten, shot, stabbed, magicked, and other things he couldn't describe. The 21st Century was weird. Time seemed to pass slowly, the individual minutes taking forever, but still every time he looked at the clock he was shocked by how much time had passed. He shook his head. The air in this smoke-filled room had grown stale. Sixgun sighed to himself, stepped out in the hallway hoping for a breath of fresher air. He was greeted by a bizarre sight, a man dressed entirely in black with a steel helmet covering his head. "Now you is an odd-lookin' feller," he said, slipping back into his Ross character. "How do you breathe in that bubble? Fletcher Ross, by the by. Pleased to make your ah-quaint-ence." -------- [b]SONJA[/b] Somewhere in the middle of it, something jarred her and she snapped back into delirious wakefulness. Engines hummed- she must be on one of the VTOLs back to the Hall. Something had happened, something terrible. "Hot Rod, Light- are they okay?" she mumbled. "And Volt?" Someone patted her hand, told her to rest, but Sonja ignored it judiciously. "Did we win?" The memory flooded back, the sickening crunch that had been the last thing she heard before passing out. "Sarin. I need to know what happened to Sarin." Unconsciousness tugged at Sonja, but she refused to pass out again until her questions had been answered. She felt the weight of the Stan Musial bat next to her. Someone had picked it up, set it next to her on her gurney. It made her queasy to be near it. If it turned out she had killed Sarin, she would ditch the bat. That simple. She didn't want a reminder.