[Robert] Elena said something about my family not having enough food to spare for us, and I had to agree with her, saying "Yeah... I guess you're right. Kinda funny, though, I almost forgot about breakfast," I then hear Miles ask me if I had any idea how to find the other plate pieces, and then suggested that I use the one that we already have to locate another one. "That might actually work... I mean, we might as well try, right?" I say in response to that. I then take out the plate piece, and try to focus on it... shortly afterwards, a sphere of stone surrounded me, not that I actually took much notice, as I was still focusing on the piece. It gets to the point where I close my eyes, and start to have some weird sort-of-dream. I could see everyone, including myself... or, really, the stone sphere that surrounded me... out of nowhere, 'I' started to fly out of the house, and off towards the... I suppose 'west', and for quite a ways... heck, until I could see the coast. Once the vision reached that point, I saw a huge tower, one that must have been somehow built during this crisis, and one that had a giant sign saying 'Carl Corporation'. I then made sure to take a good look, and noticed a broken-down 'Hollywood' sign in the far distance. I took a quick look back at the tower, and noticed a white glow on the very top of it... almost instantly after that, I snapped out of the dream, and finally noticed that I was encased in a stone sphere. As soon as I wanted to escape said sphere, it seemed to return back to the ground. I felt a little weird after that, but I managed to say "California..." adding to that "Hollywood... giant tower..." I then sat down for a moment, wondering what just happened, and also wondering why I actually felt tired after that. --- [Tony] After walking around in the city for a little while, and asking random people if they wanted to join our cause... and somehow generally getting a 'NO!' response from them, I had almost given up until I spotted a very... familiar trio of creatures. Firstly, there was that bronze golem, though, he looked a little dented, the gryphon, who was now sporting a black eye patch, and a bandage covering the middle of his body, and finally, the dragon... who I could have sworn died by Connor's hands... he looked the part too, somehow looking sort of like a zombified version of himself. His red scales seem to have lost some of their original sheen, with several flat-out missing to reveal the dull grey skin underneath... even his originally yellow wing membrane looked dull and greyish. He also appeared to be missing a couple of claws, and one of his horns. "Well, well, look who decided to show up," the golem says to both Connor and I as he and his group walk towards us. "Look, I don't want any trouble, alright? Also... I think we've proven that we're capable of absolutely destroying you, in case you need to remember THAT," the gryphon, er, Mark, I think his name was, then adds "Yeah, yeah, but last time we just fought for the sake of fighting... now we have a cause. We can't lose this time, now that we fight to bring order and law back to the world!" ...hold on... what did he just say? The dragon runs towards me, but before he could get to me, I shout "HOLD IT!" Shocking everyone on the opposite side. I then calm down, and add "Funny thing... that's kinda what we're fighting for now... so... bygones?" I sounded a little sheepish, and the dragon, who walked back towards his group, responded with "I don't know... I mean, YOU'RE the reason that I'm a zombie, and that's a little hard to forgive," I then turn towards Connor, who had earlier shown surprising speed with his running towards this part of the city... I mean, sure, he was still easy to catch... but that's not the point, I was almost certain that he'd help with negotiations in some way or another.