[u]Annabella Ravecroft[/u] She sat quietly for the time being, really she was only here for when Adam was unable to handle all the students. She, in truth, was actually kind of useless in this situation on unless they needed persay a target to hit, or someone who happened to have a shadow power. Otherwise she was just taking the backseat for now, or rather until she noticed a kid named Daniel Filson. He had an ability that she more or less had except with the ability of shadows and that she could help him with. Seeing Adam was already busy and she was just standing there with her arms behind her back, she moved away from the room for a second in her shadow form and came back with her suit on. It was extremely dark with a hood to go over her head and squeezing her body tighter than she would have liked. Shifting the bandages she was using to squeeze her chest back against her body to hopefully make the suit less embarrassing [i]I hate boobs...[/i] she took her head off and walked over to Daniel with her clipboard. Looking down and inspecting his power "Hey, Daniel I could help you out here if you wanted, I know Adam explained the power, but I could show you an exercise if you wanted me to" She looked at him and remembered she didn't even introduce him "Oh right, I'm Bell Raven, or Ms.Ravencroft to you guys, I teach Psychology here at the school" she extended a hand out towards him and smiled. [u]Tetsuya & Asae Kyuuji[/u] Tetsuya walked into the room with everyone talking and socializing, considering he hadn't shown how human he was, and the fact he was walking on all fours, maybe making friends wasn't a bad idea. He looked at the room and his eyes fell upon the giant lizard guy again. He really wanted to talk to him but he felt like they could end of fighting if that happened, and considering that Asae could make craters in the concrete floors, that Lizard and Tetsuya would...break so many things. Especially if they were fighting to the death...He most definitely didn't look like a pushover and Tetsuya wasn't either, if and when he got angry, things went bad when that happened. Asae looked at him and patted the side of his head as he was just sitting still "Hey you okay Tetsuya?" she looked up to see him looking over at Henry, or the lizard man. She slid off Tetsuya and he stood up still silent "Well this is going to piss me off if you stand there quiet, I don't have anyone else to talk to, follow me" she pulled on his hand, pulling him forward. She sighed, [i]I hate socializing, but Panda pussy won't make the move to talk to the guy and he seems to have a girlfriend like Fluff Ball does, so might as well try to make friends with someone who's in the same type of relationship[/i] she held his hand and Tetsuya instantly tugged on her sleeve. "Wait where are we going?" he looked to Asae and then noticed the path of which the were taking, straight to the Henry and Victoria. Tetsuya silent freaked out and his bear ears went down slightly, he started walking on all fours and he went under Asae, making her go "woah" and he turned around "Lets go socialize with others Sae, what about that little boy and the two gi-" she hit him on the side of head. "Holy hell why are you being so scared? He's a giant lizard like you're a giant fucking Panda bear, get over your goddamn animal fears and get your ass over there, Or so help me I will drag your ass over there and you know I can do it" he whimpered but Asae crossed her arms as he looked up at her, he sighed and turned around and walked slowly up to Henry and Victory. Asae slid off again and smiled, standing next to her box standing up "Hey there, I'm not disturbing you two or any am I?" she looked at Henry and Victoria, though it seemed the lizard was partially fazed from something. Asae looked to Victoria "Sorry if I am, but it's rare to see other Meta Human couples like me and this bear child over here" she pointed to Tetsuya who was looking down and sitting behind her. She sighed "He's a little...intimidated by him, I don't think he really wants to fight your boyfriend much, wait forgive my manners" she extended a hand out "I'm Asae Kyuuji, but you can call me Seloria. This one is" she slapped Tetsuya's arm and he looked up. "Huh what? oh! um sorry I uh zoned out, what were we talking about" she looked to him and indicated towards the two "OH, oh gosh I'm sorry for being rude, I...uh...I'm Tetsuya Kyuuji, but my english name or rather my Russian name is Lazurus, so you can call me Laz or Tet for short, of course that is if you want to, not trying to force yo-" Asae coughed and Tetsuya laughed nervously "I'm sorry for rambling, i'm not usually like this much" he stood up and saw that he and Henry weren't that different in height, in fact he was almost as tall as the guy. [i]I guess he's not so scary...[/i] he shook his head and smiled towards the two. Asae looked towards the two "Er If i remember correctly hearing it, your name is Henry?" she looked to him and then to Victoria "and your name is...Victoria?" she guessed slightly on both, for now she would just act nice, being cold was usually her, but she really was happy to see that there was another Meta Human couple like Tetsuya and her, and maybe, hopefully they could be friends together.