[quote=Valeria] Is it too late to join the conversation? My complaint isn't about the logistics of RP so much as the tone and content in general. Compared to tabletop, I feel that forum rpg's are shifted towards 'edgy', super-serious content generally lacking in much self-reflexive humour (correct me if I'm living under a rock and have just missed all the humour-centric RP's on this site). It feels weird to complain about an rp being 'too serious', but sometimes it's just hard to buy into all the dystopian post-apocalyptic angst when there's TOO MUCH of it. Honestly, I've tried starting rp's on this site and elsewhere stipulating a different tone and approach but no one seems to really get it, or if they get it they don't embrace the idea... everyone just ends up ignoring the starting conditions and doing their own thing, making tragic backstories for their characters and being really *serious* in general.It's not that I don't like drama roleplays anyway, so maybe it's a minor gripe. I think the word I would use is that all the drama and tragedy is just getting a little 'tiresome'. [/quote] Honestly, light hearted RPs can be found, it's just a matter of rummaging through them like the discount movie bin at Walmart. I personally like to have a mixture of serious content and humour in my games, it helps keep things fresh and a life without humour is one lived wrong. I find it helps in the OOC to specify what kind of tone and approach you want to have in your games, and as a GM, it's your job to kind of keep people reeled in and moving along. If you want, I can take a look at a few things and see if I can't work with you to get things where you want them!