[u]Atticus Fowler and Codi Bailey[/u] Atticus looked at Jaska, examining him, as the animal meta-human had walked up to him and introduced himself. He hadn’t paid particularly close attention to people other than himself and Codi, although he [i]did[/i] actually see as the kid, who he judged to be a much younger age than himself, walked up to them. How this was possible was because there were features to Atticus’ power that weren’t immediately obvious, unless someone had a deep passion for watching documentaries about obscure abyssal fish. Atticus’ eyes in his creature form were extremely good at collecting light, because their internal anatomy consisted of mirrors, as well as lenses, and their unique internal shape and design gave him a dramatically wide scope of vision, just barely short of ranging all the way around his body. Because of this, he noticed Jaska before he had even spoken to him and Codi, because it was hard not to notice when an enormous pair of wings was opened, seemingly for no reason, as not only did it take up a considerable amount of vision, but there was a gust of wind that made the spines on his back twitch. Atticus decided, though, since he had immediately folded them up, that perhaps he had been stretching them, although Atticus couldn’t relate to whether or not folded wings could become stiff, seeing as he did not possess extra limbs of that nature. The boy was slightly demon-like in appearance, reminding him somewhat of a gargoyle, but by this point, he was not frightened by the sight of another animal meta-human. Anything was possible, and Jaska was no exception to such a rule. Making an active effort to be courteous in his greeting, he nodded, acknowledging the boy, and extending his hand for him to shake, if he wished, Hey, I’m Atticus, and this is Codi.” He said, gesturing to the girl standing next to him. Codi, always trying to be very friendly and polite, as it was just in her very nature, smiled, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” She said, looking a little bit awkward as she did so. It was not anything personal regarding Jaska, so much as the nerves that typically assaulted her when she met new people. If Jaska shook Atticus’ hand, there was little doubt that Codi would offer hers, also. Although Atticus’ greeting was much more cool and reserved, and did not involve a visible change of facial expression, it seemed that both of them might have been glad to have someone to talk to.