Takeshi barely seemed to know how to talk to people so Viral didn’t fully know why he put him in charge, but he did think it was better that a Saiyan talk to these men when he probably looked like some unknown alien to him. Watching the Narbu carefully when they approached, Viral moved closer to Shu to keep the guy away from harm if it ever came close, especially when Takeshi was only greeted with angry stares. These aliens were dangerous and Takeshi was hardly treating them with any sort of respect, his casual little speech already sealing whatever chance they had to be formal and gain their trust. Letting out an annoyed sigh, he looked away when he was pointed at before moving Shu away from the crowd, at least enough so he could fly off if he needed to get away from the crowd. Of course things would only go from bad to worse as everything went silent, the Narbu only giving him a hard staring at as he tried to reach through a language barrier. That was never going to be the right way to go and he completely threw it with that. Watching them carefully, he pulled back as they leaped at Takeshi and tried to beat him down as if they were his enemy. They shouldn’t be too much of a problem for Takeshi when they appeared to be warning shots, watching as he repelled the attack and could only complain again, “Would you pay attention??” he snapped at him as another Narbu jumped in, only this time it was the biggest of them all. Of course their Chieftain would decide to jump in eventually, but what was worse was he was probably the smarter and angrier than the others. Takeshi was obviously not the right choice to take here, Vegeta probably would have been better as a speaker in the end. Looking between them all, when the Chieftain spoke his full attention went to him, watching carefully as he only spoke of old news. Seemed this guy hadn’t been informed that the Saiyans were gone from here, at least the ones that weren’t the rebels. Glancing at Shu, he soon let out a growl and moved forward, “Takeshi, protect your brother, will you?” he spoke, having enough of him trying. The Chieftain looked pretty tough and large, but at least he was willing to speak more than the other Narbu. He had a feeling they could all understand them without the scouters, especially when the Saiyans had been here once before. Staring up at the Narbu, he kept a confident stance as if showing he wasn’t afraid, “Has news not reached you that the Saiyan Kingdom has been repelled? That there’s Saiyans willing to fight against them?” he spoke up, looking a little annoyed, “Would you turn down a chance to fight against them in one final stand, you and your warriors? That’s what we’ve come here for…we want to dethrone the King! If you refuse then fine, we’ll move on…but know that if we don’t finish him off soon he may conquer your planet again, which is why we have to now…”