Vayes grumbled as he watched the dreadnaught split to pieces. "Why do you accept bounties like these?" "They bring in more money, Exasado. You know that." "I'm sure 8 doesn't like being torn apart by what looks like a monkey cannon." The sound of a robotic moaning came from the HUD. Vayes sighed and looked out the window. The pirate off in the distance was taking the ambush fleet apart piece by piece. Somehow, its shields hadn't flustered even the tiniest bit; he hadn't seen shields like those on more than a few Imperial flagships before. 8 grumbled and moaned in an odd tone a few more times, letting Vayes know this mission was far above their normal par. "We'll do just fine. It's just a pirate ship, nothing more. A collection of scavengers who have yet to find a purpose for their inner souls to live." Casting a hologram for extra effect, 8 rolled a pair of 3D electronic eyes. "8, work into that wreckage and drift. We'll turn into a shard of a wing. Set power to drift, and we'll lock onto them once we get to their rear." 8 did as told and morphed into an unrecognizable piece of trash, to anyone looking at him from the outside. The dreadnaught churned past, stirring up the wreckage after laying waste to the remainder of the fleet attacking him. "Switch." With a few pivotal movements, 8 formed two legs and grapples, and latched onto the side of the pirate cruiser quietly. After a quick audio scan of the ship, 8 declared their attachment unnoticed. "Wonderful. Now to think how the rest of this is going to work out. Tell me if they prepare a jump to lightspeed, and detach the moment they do."