Zuzen hefted Noki into his arms, not caring if she didn't want to be carried like that. When Vash returned from grabbing his equipment, and made to take back over and hold her Zuzen shook his head. "No, it is better if I carry her," he said, "Muscles grow tired and you would be unable to properly hold your weapons. I, however, do not tire and my fists are the only weapons I require." Then he turned to Taleste, "Let's go. The sooner we get there the better." At least, he hoped so. He'd heard of Doc Valentine before, and we wasn't entirely certain what to think of the man. On one hand he patched up anyone who came to him, no questions asked, and the man had to know that many of them were criminals and scum. But on the other hand he helped the poor and downtrodden free of charge.