[center][b] :: Tekeli-li ::[/b][/center] An atrocious semi-mechanical wail of pain echoed through the room as a guard mercilessly stomped on the hand of the caged blue skinned alien. Half organic, half artificial, it was a pitiful, dreadful sound, one which her tormentor evidently took great pleasure in hearing. [I]What a fucking freak...[/I] he thought to himself disgustedly, with the same kind of morbid curiosity one might usually experience at a zoo. [I]Can't even speak properly...[/I] "I said, what do you say?" he repeated sadistically. "Thankyou-thankyou sir. I am most grateful-ful." a robotic voice stuttered back miserably. [I]Damn right![/I] he smirked to himself. He nudged the tray into the aberration's cage with a smug, satisfied expression on his face. He was careful not to make too much contact with it any longer than strictly necessary, almost as though he might get tainted by the creature's misery. [I]Slimy bitch...[/I] Unbeknownst to him, in the reinforced glass tank bolted next to the cage, an inky black mass shifted. The guard quickly began walking away from the enclosure, not wanting to look at [I]it[/I] any longer than he strictly had to. [I]*Thump!*[/I] A dull thud echoed from the tank next to him, causing him to reflectively turn around with his hand reaching for his sidearm. What he saw made him shriek in panic like a little girl and stumble backwards, losing his footing and falling painfully on his posterior. A guttural, menacing growl emanated from the receptacle, somehow managing to sound both frighteningly alien yet terrifyingly human at the same time. He watched, eyes wide and silent, at the grey, agonizing visage of horror which had emerged from the black ooze, empty eyes staring directly into him. It looked like a grotesquely deformed, obscene caricature of a man's features, like a sick mask made by some demented killer with the face of his victim. [I]"Teeekeeeliiiii-liiiiii!"[/I] it hissed at him angrily. "Gaah! Jesus H. Christ! Bloody fucking hell!" the guard cursed, crawling back in an unsuccessful attempt to regain his dignity. When he finally recovered his composure, he stood up and angrily punched at the glass, trying to bully the unholy terror into submission. It merely responded by causing the face to shrivel up and dissolve disgustingly into its body, before ineffectively squirting a spray of bloody fluids at the glass, completely obscuring his view. Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour, he quickly abandoned and left with his tail between his legs, cussing angrily to himself the whole way to cover it up. Back in its tank, Tekeli-li frustratedly re-absorbed the fluids it had ejected, glaring at him angrily with the many, [I]many[/I] eyeballs covering its body. Tekeli-li didn't like it when they made the blue woman scream. It didn't like it that they had put it into a glorified fish tank either. Tekeli-li wanted to taste things, but the guards weren't allowed to feed it, for fear it might absorb dangerous new genetic material. At first, one of them had tried to give it fish food as some sort of a joke, but one of his superiors stopped him before he could, and yelled at him very loudly. It turned to its blue skinned neighbor, reverting back to a harmless looking black ooze not to scare her. A thin tentacles with an eyeball at the tip sprouted from its top like a periscope, looking comically from side to side before vanishing back into its body. It extended a small pseudopod shortly after, waving happily at her in an attempt to cheer her up, but she didn't really seem to notice it. Just as she reached for her food, the lights suddenly turned off. [I]"Tekeli-li..."[/I] it pouted sadly at itself.