Sera was still taken aback by how merciless MItsui was with his killings, not expecting to behead another creature that night. Yet, he did. She avoided the familiar's soulless gaze as she followed Mitsui out of the city. Once they reached the city gates, the blond felt a chill go down her spine. It was then that she realized how far she had gotten from the flames. She was mildly surprised that she came out of the burning city primarily unscathed. Looking back, Sera felt a wave of anguish wash over her as her hometown burned to the ground. Swallowing up that sadness, she turned back to her savior and cleared her throat. "So... Mitsui." She began awkwardly, unsure of what to say. She still couldn't make heads or tails of the purple-haired stranger. He was terrifying, that's for sure. But he had laid down his life to save her twice now, even when his supposed allegiance were to the witches. If this was a trap, it was much too elaborate for her to make any sense out of it. "Thank you for saving me. I don't think I would have made it out without you." She finally replied after a few moments of silence, "But why'd you do it? You [i]were[/i] with the witches, right?"