[i]On board the battle barge Vulkan's Chosen,The Hall of the fallen.[/i] High Lord Carolus Walks through a Dimly lit Hall filled with columns of marble pillars, each pillar inscribed with the name of a Fallen Salamander and Black scorpion fallen in the great crusade and the defection from the Imperium. At intervals torches are set up providing the only light in the hall and besides them stands a Black scorpion honor guard making sure the pillar's are in good repair. As Carolus walks he stops from time to time to looks at the names. "brothers..how far we have fallen..." he mutters as he thinks back to the Crusade "Once we were proud...We ruled this Galaxy... We were unstoppable..look at the imperium now...everything you fought and died for....fruitless." he mutters Slowly his mind fades back to the first arrival of his chapter to the planet Jericho after their return from the warp. To find the planet worshiping the emperor as some sort of a god, The marine with fanatical zeal to fight the "tratiors" as the returning marines had been called. Accused of heresy by the chapter master of the marines,this idea sickened him "We stood together on terra so many years ago...young Legio Astartes of the XVIII legion...we were there when The Primarch saved us during the Taras Division campaign...all the battles we fought...all the planets recaptured in the name of humanity." he says as he reads one of the names "Caius what would you think now seeing the state of the empire we helped forge and you died for? religion,civil war, to see the corruption of our once noble empire.." he says as he looks the carpet. At the end stands Marinus, Like himself an ancient Terran, from before the finding of their primarch. Marinus unlike the other marines of the chapter was a chaplain. during the great crusade he was but a normal marine,who always helped the new marines cope with the trials of vulkan and even now acts as over seer to the recruits trials. "Brother it is now time to over see the trails for the neophytes"