As the warpsmith waited impatiently for the Fallen Magos to arrive from whatever it was he was doing. He began to order the Cultists who followed him down here to begin to convert the mass of people here but accidentally left his binary speech pattern on, instead of instructing them he just gave them a headache, and causing them to leave. The amount of speaking he had done this last hour astounded him. He was not accustomed to speaking to fleshlings anymore, Practice was necessary. After the fallen magos had entered the hall Cremutus move into the passage to the Enginerium. Which was very close at this point. Letting the Sniper scout ahead he entered after a short pause. Cremutus attempted to stealthly adavance down the hall, however his large size and stomping gait alerted the Skitarri guarding the hallway of his presence. The sniper, having not notice the guards, and the guards not having seen the sniper, had advanced right past them. The First skitarii Heaved his axe at Cremutus, catching him completely unaware. It struck him in the chest gravely wounding Cremutus and causing some of his systems to begin to short out. The second one having missed in his haste of the ambush. He lost most of his control over his arms and his senses began to feed back. Attempting to strike back He Drew his axe after dropping his combi melta to the ground, the thing would be useless at this close of range. Upon seeing his weapon the Skitarii canted in binary about how they would strip him for his parts, Cremutus just laughed and chopped with his axe in an overhand strike meant to bisect the first Guard. However the skill of the skitarii combined with his arm servos locking up cause the axe to miss. The warpsmith quickly rebooted his system attempting to mitigate some of the damage, which only partially worked. He activated his refractor field after that to assure his triumph over these machine men. The First skitarii Missed Cremutus with he second swing. The second one would have hit him had his Field not protected him, however the field Collapsed with the first blow. Cremutus Swore in binary to Tzeentch. The Men who accompanied the Warpsmith down here accounted for one of the Skitarii, and Cremutus was allowed to focus his attention solely on the one remaining guard. Swinging his axe again, this time with all his might, which just his luck had caused his servos to lock up again and his sight to short out temporarily while striking with his Mechadendrite and missing with that as well. In the final moments of this accursed fight the Skitarii stuck him in the chest again, Crushing bionics and what little flesh was left. Cremutus had not been this wounded in a very long time, he leaked coolant, blood, and hydraulic fluid onto the floor. Silently cursing the fact he could not use his Demonic powers given to him by Tzeentch without wounding the other Tzeentchian he attacked with his axe one last time, again the Warpsmith missed, cursed by ill luck and faulty mechanics he prepared himself to die. However the blow did not fall, the skitarii was distracted by the wounds caused by the others it missed the death stroke. And as the servitor following the magos riddled it with an auto cannon shell the skitarii dropped dead. With the combat over and his systems purged and rebooted again, Cremutus started to go through the corpses of the skitarii, finding many finely crafted bionics and weapons, as the other two heretics came over the three of them began to bicker and call specific items until they had the idea that they would drag the corpses behind the servitor until they finished, then use the medicae hall to render them down for their parts. In a fitting end of their earlier threat again the Warpsmith.