[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ENMawdn.png[/img][/center] These two were a blast. Carlos was loving every bit of it, the way they did things, their style of talking, the way they talked to each other — everything was alright by Carlos. Even when G and Digger would get Carlos and Niko a ride, they kept up the energy like it was no one else’s business. Truly, Carlos viewed these two guys as his own friends. If Carlos was ever back in this realm, he would love to have these two to show him around the town. When Carlos and Niko rode the bikes, Niko slipped the blue helmet on and Carlos got the teal helmet on. They were off down the street and all four of them(well two at first) were doing tricks, and shouting out cheers and whoos so loud that some people would yell at them to quiet down. However, they were all long gone before any of them would hear the party-poopers. When they headed down a street, Niko even seemed to be getting into the spirit and he was speeding up on his bike, telling Carlos that the last one there was a rotten egg. Carlos smiled and licked his lips. [b]“Fine, but you asked for it.”[/b] He said zipping through the street, passing Niko, and doing an ollie with his bike. Yes, despite his looks, Carlos knew a few bike tricks. He would look back to Niko and stick his tongue out. He was laughing and laughing. Digger saw him having a blast. [b]“That’s the spirit, yo!” [/b]He said giving Carlos the thumbs up. Carlos laughed and smiled to Digger. The four of them eventually came to The Dark District and it had its name for a reason. There were very little lights on. The only form of light that it had were from the stars above, but that wasn’t much. [b]“Geez, no wonder they call it the Dark District.”[/b] Carlos said as he rode on his bike, peddling one leg at a time. ----- [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hId65CO.png[/img][/center] As Lenore and Audrey sat on the bench that had a wall that Lenore could rest her head on, she would hear her classmate and new friend ask her if the streets they’ve passed along the way looked familiar. Lenore would move her eyes to Audrey and release a [b]“hm?”[/b] sound. Audrey would continue by saying that the street that the cops were on looked like Kingwood Street and that the street that they’re on now looked exactly like Seventh Street. Lenore thought about it and she noticed the similarities, yes. [b]“Now that you mention it--”[/b] She said as her words stopped when she saw two males(?) sit down on the bench. They had human bodies, but they had Tv’s for heads. [b] “Okaaay..”[/b] Her voice trailed off into awkward silence and she could sense the fear that Audrey was feeling. Lenore would look at the one that waved to Audrey, showing a yellow smiley face and pointed to it. [b]“Okay, that’s creepy.”[/b] She murmured. Lenore looked at the other one and he too was waving at her, and as he/it would press the power button, it did not show the yellow smiley face, but rather The Fonz and it said [b]’eyyy”[/b], it even showed the hand gestures that made The Fonz so famous. Lenore would wave and laugh nervously at the one that had The Fonz on his head. He would then, in The Fonz’s voice, speak. [b]“Hi there Human, I am The Fonz. A pleasure~” [/b]He said as The Fonz’s picture went to static. Lenore shook his hand nervously. [b]“Nice to meet you, The Fonz.”[/b] Lenore said as she looked to Audrey. [b]“What do we do now?”[/b] She moved her lips in such a way, but no sound came out.