"Me prioritizing games is not sexism, it's not entitlement, it is hard, logical fact." Besides the 'fact' that you are not presenting any actual facts, backed by any sort of evidence of your thesis and have yet to provide the faked death threat, a coherent argument or a power counter argument. Instead you strawman and put words that i didn't say and tried to derive a different meaning then what I stated. There was a actual, real and bomb threat, against a public building, over the fact that a woman doesn't agree with us and percieve a problem and might have exploited sympathy to sell her shit. The moment, the very moment threats of pshysical violence comes up we have to take a stand against it if we are to be anywhere close to credible. Never once did I say stop critizing her. Never once did I say it made her immune. YOu on the other hand, is being sympathetic towards criminal activity. Towards the quelling of free speach. I never said "We have to be mainstream." I said that Mainstream media is a large part of what makes or break many art forms. Acceptence for what it is, critical acclaim. These are things that are needed to be considered. Its sheer naivity to think reaching mainstream success is important. And good job by the way, not at all adressing the fact the point that gamers drive gamedevs on the run aswell. See, the way people dogged bioware writing staff. It's a case of sheer entitlement. Now criticism is fair. But all that's been succeded in this is to completely polarize the conflict. Us Vs Them. Bohh them. Yay us. The evidence for this is shown in every single comment Dipper has made the past two pages. And most of yours as well. The only one who provides even a modicum of structured, sensible dabate here is Bravo. Again. I am not taking Anitas side in anything here what so ever. I've argued against the other side as well. I never stated gaming journalism didn't need games. I said it did. But don't try to lecture me on what game dev thinks. I didn't want to bring it up, but I worked with several, both big and small. I argued with them in regards to this. I know some of the people who run PC gamer here in sweden. I know the entire team that made Amnesia, I talk the guys behind Secrets of Grindea, my friend works with the guys who made Magicka. I know plenty of EA personell, Sony people. I've worked directly with Biowares pr and art department- Really, never try to claim something as silly as to me not knowing what goes on within the process gamedevelopment. People know that fans make or break, not reviewers. And the reviewers that matter in most devs eyes are not the giants like IGN. It is people like Yahtzee, total buiscit. The guys who reach a ton of pesky, hard to please fans like you and me. And what scares them, is us. I know people who look at what Notch just did and goes. "I hope I make atleast a fraction of what he made, before i loose the will to work on my project." (I am curius, where are your sources. Who do you got on the inside? What gives you the gall to try and tell others to take a closer look on the industry. This time you barked up the wrong tree. Swallow your pride and admit when you are in the wrong, for once in your life. Reviews are also a matter of personal taste, and what the reviewer hold the highest. So yes, conceptually good games that fall short are given higher scores then might seem warrented to you or me. But we do not have any right to hold them to that. To do so is do display a crazy level of selfentitlement, it really is. "YOu only gave it a high score becouse of LGBT content." for example. Can we prove that? No. Can we choose not to ever click on that persons reviews ever again; Yes. Yet some of the reviewers get hate male. For what, liking something you do not? That is fucking bizarre and sad. You know who care the most about IGN and such? The big, big guys. Thats about it. If you make a good game, you are gonna get good reviews where it matters. The big game companies are the problem here. If their subdeveloper does not hit a certein score with the big review sites, they actually get deducted money. They are the ones fucked. Not the publisher, the developers. And to qoute Brovos opinion on Anita. "She isn't a journalist. You do not make her honest. You can her." And all that's been achieved is to make her super controversial meaning that won't happen becouse she makes money of peoples missguided campaign against her. Also, please, please stop using the word feminazi.I mean, It makes you look like a total goof. Its a overused slander. Nothing anita has done deserve it. Is she possibly a con? Yes. Is she a personal shill? Yes. Is she a felame superiority who screams that all men are pigs and need to die? No. That is not where her flaws lie, as many as they are,.