Beth smiled a cold, humourless smile, the glint of vindictive pleasure shining brightly in her blue eyes as she gazed down upon the creature hiding in human flesh. The creature snarled up at her from where it sat in a heap on the ground, bound in rope drenched in salt. It had been a brief battle, the demon had not been the smartest of its kind but each had taken a fair beating from the other but in the end Beth not only had the better fighting skills and weapons but with near half a ton of angry horse by her side the demon was quickly subdued. With hoof marks all over his face and body, the marks sizzled as Sables horse shoes were made of special iron engraved with holy marking. Snorting down with defiance at the creature Sable shook his mane out, this was not his first battle nor would it be his last, he was a fighter it was in his blood. Beth withdrew the hip flask from her belt and taking a large swig from it she gazed down at the demon before spitting the holy water straight into its face, blood from her cut lip mixing in. The creature howled in pain as this toxic substance burnt its skin. Cracking her knuckles Beth began her interrogation of the creature and she used every ounce of her formidable knowledge on inflicting pain and the rage and furry that burnt inside of her at the sight of the demon. Fifteen minutes later found Beth sitting jauntily in Sables saddle while she gently massaged her chin, stretched out her arm and winced as she felt the deep cut that ran from her shoulder across her collar bone. Pouting slightly Beth poked the cut gingerly and smiled ruefully at the familiar sharp sting, she hadn’t even noticed it in the heat of things. It had not been the most fruitful of interrogations but she had learnt some interesting titbits, things that had slipped out in the creature’s moments of moments of agony. There was nothing she could do about her cut as she had nothing with her at the moment; even Sable’s saddle bags were empty which was odd, so she ignored the pain, pulled on her jacket which covered most of the cut and they headed back to town. There was more work that needed to be done today, she need to speak to Clint about what the demon had told her and they had agreed to speak to the preacher today as their second source of information. Sitting up properly in the saddle Beth encouraged Sable into a quick canter and directed him towards the church which was near the town hall. Stopping him in the shade of the church Beth slid out the saddle and flicked her single braid over her shoulder Beth looked up at the careworn building. For some reason it was a comforting sight, despite the fact it looked like it could crumble at any minute it had clearly been maintained for a long time and it was nice to see something that had survived the test of time. At the front door she noticed a rough symbol carved into the wooden frame, it was a symbol she had seen many times before and one which brought a smile to her lips. Opening the door Beth quickly remembered there was some sort of etiquette that required her to remove her hat in a church which she did. Beth looked around the dim room which took a moment of adjustment from the bright sunlight outside, moving inside the building proper Beth was not surprised to Clint sitting at the other end of the room with the preacher both were deep in conversation. Smiling Beth made her way over to the pair and leaned over the back of the pew Clint was sat at. “Morning ya’ll, sorry to interrupt.”