[quote=nerminator] Shigian walked into the dark alley with kitten and looked around then asked 'whos the 'old man' and why are you trying to meet him?' [/quote] Making her way through the dark alley kitten found a stone passage that led through the back of the village in the darkness. A smile hit her lips as she spoke, "Well, he is kind of an friend I guess you would say. We always played games, he preferred the board games instead of playing newer games. He is one of the leaders of the Council just so you know, so do not get him mad. I am meeting him to ask a few questions as well and to get information." Her smile turned into a frown as she said "We better hurry though, Shiro was not joking about Him hating those who are late. So we better hurry, and stick to the shadows until I tell you, the last thing we need is to get found out." Kitten started to walk onto the stone path.