Daily Evans was sneaking onto what looked like an army base. Surely one of these clowns had booze right? She had run out and was getting a little shaky. Stupid habit to acquire but she blamed it on the stupid abilities she had while drunk. That was a good excuse right? Get liquored up in order to fight ETs at your best? Sure it was. Her emerald green eyes peered through the chain link fence surrounding the place, her blonde hair a little bit of a stand out among the green brush but oh well, what was she going to do about it? She narrowed her eyes and held onto her bag tighter. Grabbing a loose piece of fence that had come off of the post it was supposed to be attached to, she quietly (okay, not as quietly as she would have liked) began to roll it back. She could only get a hole barely big enough for her to fit through. Growling to herself, she got onto her haunches and whispered to herself. [b]”One, two, three,”[/b] and with that, dove through the whole. Bad thing was, her hole ridden skinny jeans, thanks to more accidents than she could account for, caused her to get hung up when the fencing bounced back into place. She was laying half inside the fence and half outside it, on her stomach and legs hanging out still in the brush. [b]”Fan-freaking-tastic,”[/b] she mumbled. [b]”What do you think you’re doing?”[/b] a slightly amused male voice came from her right. Tilting her head up, a look of [i]Great…[/i] ran across her face. She struggled but eventually flipped over as a man in uniform walked up to her and looked down at her with an eyebrow raised. She smiled brightly and put her hands under her head as if she were simply relaxing and had all the time and innocence in the word. [b]”Nothin’ Ace. Just wanted to visit the latrine… The woods is no place for a lady, you know,”[/b] she said. Covered in dirt smudges, with a heavy jacket and smeared tanktop, heavy leather boots and stuffed duffel bag, she didn’t look much the part of a lady. The officer nodded, a look on his face that said he didn’t believe her for a second. [b]”Ah ha. I see. Well, how about we get you onto the base then, miss…? “[/b] he trailed off. [b]”Evans, sir, Daily Evans,”[/b] she said in a mocking tone, phony salute towards him and all before smirking playfully. The officer’s eyes lit up in a sort of recognition that made Daily frown slightly. [b]”What?”[/b] she said, sounding a bit hateful in her tone. [b]”We got a letter to give a Daily Evans when they showed up here,”[/b] he said, reaching down to help her get unstuck from the fence and pull her through. [b]”Welp, if this is the only place with booze in a 10 mile radius, someone just knows me too well,”[/b] she grinned, getting up and brushing herself off. [b]”Thanks buddy,”[/b] she said, sarcastic tone still at play, walking with the man to go get the letter. [center]----[/center] Daily had now made her way towards the meeting place disclosed in the letter she’d received, the gift of a bottle of scotch from the officer who had initially found her now safely in her bag. She had debated a lot with herself about whether or not to come to this stupid thing, but finally decided why not? She could handle her own after all in case it was an elaborate trap. She only hoped she wasn’t going to be the only one to show up. Losers might skip out. And then she’d be left to do this mission on her own… Cowards! She continued to march until she was sure she was where this so called ‘mission’ was supposed to take place, stopping a little on the outskirts. She stuffed the map in her bag and cocked her hand gun, holding it lazily pointed at the ground. She knew she was early, and didn’t get too close to the landing pad to avoid being detected until whoever else would show up arrived. For now, she was cool with biding her time. She pulled out the bottle tore off the top, sipping it and waiting in the forest.