Having grown frustrated with not being able to cram the Growth's pieces down Sarco and Behemoth's throats, Abaddon intensified the pseudo-telekinetic force around them to burn the slimy things to ash, then used the floating energy to inflict more damage to the two bruisers before Michael and Chrome resumed their attacks. Along with the damage that Abaddon had caused them seconds earlier, the two superheroes very easily could have just ended their pathetic lives right then and there, but they did nothing other than just knock them out and put them in specialized handcuffs. A pity really, Abaddon would have thought that after today's incident his allies would be a little less willing to leave these guys alive, but apparently not. Zenith himself had shown up and actually restrained himself from flying the Growth, simply turning the sand around it into a glass prison. "You won't even put that [i]thing[/i] out of its misery?! It's not even human, Zenith!!!" Zenith turned to face Abaddon with a stern stare, saying nothing. After some seconds of silence between the two, all Zenith told Abaddon was that he should report back to the hall. Abaddon said nothing either though, but he did let out what seemed to be a displeased growling sound before flying out of the building through one of the many holes throughout its structure. The VTOLs were already flying away; this whole mess was already wrapped up it seemed. "We've had quite the day here! A demonic cult prowling the city, and one insane, powerful Polaris. Yes... Zenith and I WILL talk later..."