Everyone I have an announcement to make. Void of the Stars has been going on for two years now, and over that time we have accumulated over 400 pages of writing, and too many words for wordcounter.net to count. We've created ridiculous species, done stupid and funny things, had a bunch of serious storylines, and dropped billions of anvils. We built a community, though only one or two of you remember the original roleplay in 2012. You know where I'm going with this. The backstory to our universe is rich, so rich that it drives off other players with it's detail. I even question the integrity of the setting now, it's getting hard to keep the whole mythology of the world together just due to the sheer detail of it. There are a few of us who believe that it is time to end the epic story that is Void of the Stars, and there are probably some who would fight that idea with everything they have. I disagree with both. VotS is getting old, and it's time is coming closer and closer, but I refuse to leave this great roleplay with a cliffhanger. The story of VotS will be completed, once and for all. It will get the ending it deserves. I will take storyline ideas from everyone, but not all will be used. This will be the end of VotS, I want everyone to do their best to give this roleplay the best ending we can. That is all.