The day was grey and overcast, the wind cantered across the ground its icy fingers scraping over everything it touched. The tough dry grass rolled in waves as the wind swept through it causing the whole scene to be in motion before her searching gaze. Elemmíre stood on the small hillock looking out across the melancholy landscape, it seemed like as if the world had lost its colour, the ground was a dull lifeless brown, the sky a monotonous steel grey with clouds that scudded across its surface. Elemmíre was a young elf, only in her hundredth year but she was not new to the world and its suffering. She was not the tallest of her kin at only 6’2” but her hair was the colour of starlight and flowed in silken waves down the small of her back, combined with her bright amethyst eyes she was a rarity amongst her people. It had been because of her hair that she was named Elemmíre the star jewel. Dressed as always in her green and brown garb with her light protective armour over the top Elemmíre was alone as she gazed across the land, she preferred it this way, away from the squabbles of people. Elves against men, Elves against dwarves, even the different Elven races were mistrustful of each other. Although she was not truly alone on her back she carried her white wooden longbow and a quiver full of arrows and on her hip she wore a curved eleven long sword. Both were extremely comfortable in her hands, as familiar as old friends but as sharp but as well cared for as newly crafted weapons. Today was not a quite day when she would just roam the land in search of something she could not rightly explain, she was just searching, however today was a hunting day. She had caught the foul scent of Orcs on the wind and had been hunting the from dawns first light, it seemed from the direction they were taking now that the creatures were heading towards Rohan. So she too would follow, hunting these beasts was the only thing that gave her purpose in this world, the only thing to bring a fire into her eyes. Forest green cloak whipping in the wind Elemmíre sprung forward like a cat, lithe and graceful she set off at a loping sprint that she could maintain for a long period of time. The hunt had begun and there was determinate expression on her face. Today she would have purpose, tomorrow she would wander again.