[center]This is a Public Announcement Welcome to the E.V.I.L. c., where every villain is legit and heroes would cry if they ever came here. Please make sure to only enter areas that you are allowed to visit or we cannot guarantee your safety. Employees are very possessive of their status so all in the Bronze division better not be caught sneaking around to where their betters are located. Please be ready for action at any thing for missions go fast and I'm sure you all want to build up your reputations as quickly as possible but be careful for others will be eyeing the missions you're eyeing so you may have to fight for it. We hope you can all contribute toward our glorious goal of world domination in all ways you can. Have a deadly day and don't forget to give any heroes you encounter a good beat down. Get out there and make some money! [b]Backstory You Probably Don't Care About[/b] You are part of the fantastic organization, E.V.I.L. c. or Every Villain is Legit Corporation. Things have started to get a little tight around a few people’s belts, a few botched up master plans and foiled princess kidnappings have made everyone a bit edgy. E.V.I.L currently is split up into three major divisions, Gold, Silver, and Bronze which indicates the level of control that division currently has in the corporation. The divisions’ rankings can switch at the drop of a hat depending on how well it does which also confusing a lot of people when a change does occur as suddenly bronzies are no longer those lowlifes you remember anymore or you forgot to change your little colored stripe that morning after the change. Each division wants to be Gold as they have the privilege of carrying out the World Domination Plan, once the corporation has enough money that is. E.V.I.L. c. Headquarters is hidden in plain sight in the middle of Jasper city, a thriving metropolis with some nice suburbs, trashy industrial area, large landfills, pretty much whatever you’d expect a large city to have. Crime, heroics, used car salesmen, Jasper city has it all so thankfully not all your missions are going to be here. Money needs to be made though and Jasper is a city of opportunity. Headquarters is located underneath a reputable telemarketing firm and is a large underground complex complete with all your villainous needs, well if you are at least not in bronze. Trying to save money, the three divisions get access to better equipment and facilities based on their precious metal rank. Golds get the finest luxuries and best equipment, Silvers for the most part are fairly comfortable but for instance miss out on top secret weaponry, the finest equipment, and a gambling deposit. Bronze, well, they get pretty much the scraps left behind and the most basic of accommodations, have fun with that cafeteria food. The competition is fierce, the streets are dangerous, you want your own suite, the world is crazy enough that you’ll fit right in.[/center] [hider=Chara Skellies][center]Character Skeletons. My Parents Gave Me This : [Name] But This Sounded Cooler : [Villain Name] My Parents Did Not Decide This…I Think : [Gender] The World Has Been Doomed for This Many Years : [Age] People Think I’m Crazy But I’m Really : [Personality] Why I’m so Bad : [Background] World Beware My Power! : [Powers/Skills] Random Things You May Want to Know For No Real Reason : [Anything else you want to add] I’m Just That Cool : [Appearance][/center][/hider] [center][b]Things to Take Note Of[/b][/center] * Everyone is going to start out in the Bronze Division, so no fancy treats and super cool rides for you! At least not yet. * Don't Godmode cause that's my job! * Try to make your posts clean and pretty like a professional typist, paragraph min for a post but it better be an important paragraph! * Better listen to me cause I'm the CEO of E.V.I.L c. * Respect your fellows, sure they're all devious villains but no one likes a rotten apple. [center](This will serve as the way to keep track of where you are in the corporation as well as be the accepted character list)[/center] [center][b]E.V.I.L Employee List: Bronze Division[/b] Lucile Greatsworth David Creed Jensen Ericks Shay Ortella Karol Mitchelson Genesis Evagreen Michelle Kine Himegaya Kanata [/center] [center][b]E.V.I.L Employee List: Silver Division[/b][/center] [center][b]E.V.I.L Employee List: Gold Division[/b][/center] [hider=Important NPC List] [b]Name:[/b] Sammy [b]Age:[/b] 1 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Bio:[/b] An artificial being constructed to act as kind of a supreme logistics an analysis robot. Her AI is highly advanced and some swear she actually is sentient. Equipped with the best processers, advanced weaponry and even a hover system, Sammy is a powerful and very heavy girl, around 800 pounds at a height of 5’1’’. Because of how money was invested in her, she usually cannot be seen on missions and tends to act as E.V.I.L. c. ‘s mission provider and analyst. Due to the fact she is a machine, management has decided to test out her skills in the bronze division to work out bugs and gather data. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/308/2/c/android_by_poeyon-d6gtotr.jpg] [/hider]