[b]Danny/Scouts - New Orleans/Storm[/b] They broke off from the other pair of scouts with the hope of leading the biters far enough away so that they all could make a break back to the vehicle. Jamie quickly fell behind Danny as they sprinted into the backyard of an unattended home. The fence to their left buckled under the wind's force for only a few seconds, but it was enough to send Jamie into a panic. He wildly grabbed for Danny's arm and forced him to a stop. "Rudy! We're going to die! We have to get inside!" Danny could only stare momentarily as the wind pushed against them, making them them stumble on their feet. Danny swore out loud. "We're so fucking close!" he cried. "So just come on!" He turned to see if the biters were still following. They weren't. "Crap!" Danny grabbed Jamie by the arm and pulled him back in the other direction. He let go when they reached the road, where Danny spotted the biters crowding in the direction Alex and Chris went. Danny turned to tell Jamie his plan when [i]something[/i]-- A wood plank, possibly, something that came off a house-- crashed between them. The sound of cracking wood erupted over the wind and splinters went flying. Danny jump away from the crash, but found himself falling over himself in the process. By the time he had gathered his senses and looked upward, a biter was standing over him. It dropped to the ground, gnashing its teeth and clawing for a piece of Danny. "Fuck off!" he yelled as he spun on the ground so that his foot could connect with the face of the monster. It was momentarily stunned, allowing Danny to climb to his feet. He rushed off in the direction of the vehicle, his feet slipping in the rain momentarily. A new herd of biters had appeared at the end of the road, forcing Danny to turn around. It seemed that the thunder had brought them all out on to the street, as scary as the thought was. With biters crowding around him, Danny was forced to abandon the car altogether and make a break for it in the opposite direction. Jamie and the other scouts were nowhere in sight. He cut into an alley thinking that he'd be safe from the wind, but he found it stronger in the tunnel between the buildings, his breath cut short by the winds rushing at his face. Pushing through the wind, Danny found himself at the next street. Though he was still in a suburban area, he could see a large brick building just down the street. Whatever it was used for, Danny knew it was his best chance for getting through the storm. His clothing and body completely drenched, Danny started toward the building, his hand raised to block the wind and rain. He realised he'd left his supply bag back on the next street, but that was the least of his concerns at the moment. When he reached the parking lot of the brick building, he spotted biters beginning to make their way from the way he came. He cursed yet again and hurried inside, screaming out wordlessly as he pushed the door shut against the wind. A scuffling from behind him made him spin around and he found himself the target of someone with a gun. It was Shannon, one arm wrapped around a younger boy. All three started at each other for a moment before Danny shook his head and laughed. "How does this keep fucking happening?" *** Cody had climbed into the car, his nerves shot from the wind and rain pushing the vehicle ever so lightly. He never once considered leaving without the others, even as he began to see walkers mingling at the end of the road. He wasn't a quitter, and beyond that, Cody had lost too many fellow friends and survivors to think so selfishly now. The scouts were all he had now, and his mind wandered toward Hazel as well. He knew then that he would wait until everyone was back and then head straight for The Pub. It would be shelter, and Cody would be able to see if the girl was all right. Jamie suddenly emerged from behind the car, banging on the glass. Cody hurriedly unlocked the doors and let the boy in. He practically fell into the passenger seat, his breathing heavy and shaking. His body was drenched and Cody could see Jamie had suffered a head wound. "We have to go!" the boy yelled. "There are biters all around!" Cody quickly shook his head. "We wait as long as possible. We're not abandoning anyone." Jamie leaned forward and looked about ready to get violent, but he slowly leaned back into his seat. "Just.. chill," Cody said. "Rest your head." --- [b]Myriah - Outpost - Enrique[/b] She hadn't expected such a direct response. In fact, she hadn't even expected a response of that nature at all. Perhaps she had unconsciously made her words sound more like a threat than she realized, but all she had wanted was to prod some information. Now he was threatening to kill her and- "I see." What else could she say? She had only merely suspected Enrique before, but she had no doubt he was the man who murdered Samantha now. Beyond that, he was certainly working with Matt, or at least had been at one point. "I'm sorry that I came off that way." She didn't want to engage with this man any further, but she knew a ticking time bomb had already been set. She couldn't waste time wringing her hands much longer. At least she knew the men on the wall could see them talking. "You're already on thin ice. You murdered some of our men, even if you were being manipulated at the time. I, on the other hand, am in a very different position than you are. Nothing good would come from losing me, I can assure you of that." It was the truth. She had lost some of her standing in the last few weeks, but Myriah knew she was still beloved by most of Outpost. "And a threat against Outpost is not a threat against me, but a threat against everyone who lives within its walls. It's a threat against Matt, and a threat against the woman you love." Her heart was beating fast and faster. She was not used to speaking like this. She felt her voice take on the tone she usually adopted for speeches, though she couldn't push down the slight quiver behind her words. "Nothing will stand in [i]my[/i] path of keeping this place standing." She waited for only a second before she decided she couldn't handle this. She wanted to hear what he had to say, hoping he might show his hand, but she couldn't bring herself to stand there any longer. "Goodbye," she said curtly, before walking back toward Outpost's gates. It was hard for her not to break into a run. --- [b]Sarah - Outpost - Matt[/b] She walked toward Matt with a smile on her face. She held her textbooks taken from the library close to her chest. "Myriah hasn't been speaking with me much lately, but I really don't blame her. A lot of violence went on, and she loves Outpost so much, it really can't be easy..." She trailed off and looked down. She listened to Matt continue and absent-mindedly touched at her long black hair. "Well my classes are doing great. Richard's are doing much better as well. People are showing up on time and seriously want to learn." She nodded happily and twirled a strand of her hair. "I really think we can start actually starting up a school by the summer. We have so many brilliant people here, when you think about it." She waited a short moment before adding-- "Well, Derick was talking about the wall today, said he's lost too many builders to the scouts. I guess people are just angry enough to complain about the expansion but not enough to want to put the labor into it."