My Parents Gave Me This Lucile Greatsworth But This Sounded Cooler : The Puppeteer My Parents Did Not Decide This…I Think : Female The World Has Been Doomed for This Many Years : 18 People Think I’m Crazy But I’m Really : Actually your right, I am crazy. But I'm also very quiet and patient. Just don't get me too mad, okay! Why I’m so Bad : Well, you see... I discovered my abilities as a young child. I accidentally turned my brother into a marionette doll. He could still talk and move his arms and legs a bit. But, he could walk without me moving him. He was lucky I was good at moving puppets. After a while I discovered how to turn him back... Wait why am I telling you this?!?! It's my life, but I guess I could continue. So my brother hated me for doing that to him and stabbed me in the eye with a pen. That's why I'm blind in my right eye. After some research I discovered that the only reason my brother couldn't just pull of the strings was that he didn't have a strong enough will. Basically, he was a cowards who didn't have the guts to say no. But I soon found that inanimate objects are easier to control so I started using them more often. It made my life easier and when I fight heroes they get to fend off dolls, and no innocent bystanders get hurt. World Beware My Power! : [i]The Puppeteer[/i] - Whatever I attach my puppet string to becomes a puppet for me. Well, for humans it depends on their will power. If you have a strong enough will power you can escape. And I'm pretty much immobile when using my power. Oh, and there are some range limitations, it depends on the length of string I have. And you do not know how hard it is to find good sturdy string for this. Random Things You May Want to Know For No Real Reason : I may not be good at fighting, but I have one strong bitchslap [hider=I OWN A KITTEN, SHUSH][img=] Her name is Marionette. She's a month old. Sadly she's blind. I dot like people knowing about her[/hider] I’m Just That Cool : [img=]