[u][i]Jaska Din Valos.[/i][/u] The weird fish people were nice enough to tell Jaska their names! He quietly laughed. Atticus? That was a weird name. The thought that his own name was rather unique did not dawn on him. Though, he was kind enough not to talk about it since that would hurt his feelings. Now that formalities were out of the way, he get down to business. He sensed the beast in these two. He didn't understand it, but he knew it meant [i]something[/i]. He relaxed himself, folding those massive wings of his, and sat down on his behind (Instead of his usual gargoyle position). "I sensed something in you two, that's why I came over here." It was literally the only reason why he would have to begin with. "I can't explain it... But I feel like you people are similar to me." All his life, there was not a soul like him other than his own mother. Everyone was a human, while he was the predator that thinks and acts on a whole different level than them. Until he came here that is. [i]Here is where I found the strangers like me.[/i] [u][i]Sylvia Lana Bertoose & Amanda Daisy Blackmore[/i][/u] Sylvia quietly got out of the way and sat down on the bench. While it was tempting to beat the chucklefuck's brains in herself, she thought of this as a scouting run, and a great way to see what both of these kids are capable of. Just so she knew what to do in case she fought any of these kids. Sylvia had the most smug grin on her face ever, "Have fun kiddies...." She watched. Amanda quickly ran over to the arena and decided to take this time to get ready. Perhaps Stephen will do the same. She did some stretches, started at the legs, and moving up to her torso. Ending with her getting tall (Getting on her tip toes). Before she suddenly slammed her fist onto the cold hard metal of the training room. Oooooooh, Stephen here will so regret his decision. Amanda has a terrain advantage, while Stephen can do... Ehhh... Whatever. She was going to kick his ass, within reason that is. Amanda shaped the floor into metal hands that surrounded her. She crossed her arms, a toothy grin on her face, "Check it oooooooooout!" She started laughing. "If you want to fight, then I suggest that you make the first move. Or can you even get it up?" [u][i]Nikki Biyung.[/i][/u] The Korean girl was actually relieved to find out that someone else shared the same sentiments. Someone else who believed how silly it was. Though she was a little curious about what he meant when he said '[i]You'd have to really pay any attention to even know that I have a power[/i]'. It could be telepathy, super reflexes... Anything really. Probably something. Well, Nikki [i]could[/i] be subtle if she really wanted to. But, it went without saying, "So you have one of the more subtle powers?" Nikki grabbed onto that gym bag full of bugs and pulled it closer to herself. They were chirping and everything. "I got one of the powers people would call 'disgusting', heh." She awkwardly laughed to herself. It quickly and painfully became apparent that she didn't know where to take this conversation. [i]God dammit.[/i] Well, Mark didn't give her [i]his[/i] name. "So, what's your name?" That was the best way she could keep the conversation going.