26. "So you're my ancestor, huh?" Damien mumbled under his breath as he walked up to the volcano structure. Once he got within arms reach, he placed his hand on the window-like area. Unsurprisingly it was warm to the touch However, before long, he found that the lava inside the volcano had seeped out, and formed a small pond around where he stood. He then found himself standing [i]INSIDE[/i] the volcano on a small island. Across from where he stood was his ancestor, Ignis, that seemed to be of flesh and blood. "Hello Damien. It's nice to finally meet you in person. Or as close to that as we'll get." Ignis said with a soft sounding voice. "Likewise, to be honest, though I figured my ancestor would have been a werewolf, not a werefox. Not that that's a bad thing. I actually kinda like it. 'Variety is the spice of life' they always say." Ignis chuckled at Damien's last comment,"Yes, well. I hope you know why you were chosen, Damien. Bonketsu is getting ready to come back to the world and bring it under his rule once more. You and the other sages are to banish him once again. Remember, your allies are your greatest asset. Protect them with your life." "I understand Ignis, is there anythiing you can tell me about Bonketsu that could help us beat him?" "I'm afraid not, it's been thousands of years since he was last seen, and he could have radically changed since his last appearance. All I can say is go with a open eyes and a clear mind. If you need any help, you can contact me telepathically." "Thanks in advance for all that you will do, Ignis. I promise that I will make you proud, and with the teamwork of all of the sages, we will banish Bonketsu back to his pit." "Good, now go, Damien. It's time your adventure started its next chapter." Damien soon found himself, back in the courtyard, with all the rest of the Sages. [i] Guess, I'm waiting on everyone else now. [/i] Damien then looked around the courtyard at the other sages and saw Aravan was the only person that hadn't touched his element yet. He was soon, however, engulfed in black flames. He literally melted in front of everyone, leaving behind a small pile of ash where he once stood. [i] Damn, that's no way for a man to go. [/i] Another man soon came into the courtyard and stood where Aravan once was. He, however, did not make the mistake Aravan did, and placed his hand upon the pillar of darkness. [i] Well who's the new guy?[/i]