[u]Zack King and Vespera Spindel[/u] When a target range came up Zack was a little surprised. He had meant using his power in a different fashion than his usual manipulation. [i]Huh, I guess this will do.[/i] There was no use standing around so he got to work. He applied force to the plastic ball he was holding and sent it down range striking one of the targets at it's near center. Ultimately it wasn't even that much of a challenge since when something is being directly manipulated it's about as easy as him running down there and touching the ball to the bullseye himself. He opened his belt pouch and sent a couple more down range for good measure, then waited to see what Adam's impression was. Vespera was pleased at only fiddling with her ability, really she was wasting Adam's time. What she was doing she could have just as easily done on her own. Once Adam walked away her strand dissipated as she thought of what else to do. [i]Oh, I have it.[/i] She summoned up a much thicker, shorter bar of solidified shadow and focused very intently on it to change it's shape. While her powers were limited to creating things out of bars and cords she didn't see why she couldn't change the shape of the end into say a spike. The idea of supplementing her typical flail and quarter stave type weaponry (if she even decided to use a weapon, most often not) with something akin to a spear didn't sound half bad. Thus far she was getting little head way and so she protruded a single claw from the slit at the tip of her pointer and cut it to shape manually. Surely Adam would see what she was trying to do, and maybe have some pointers. [u]Karlie Davis[/u] One moment Karlie was excited about possibly getting to try something she had wanted to for a while, the next she wen't silent. She was a fan of many video game franchises, Metal Gear being one of them. [i]Huh, I wasn't expecting that. Then again I have no idea what I should have been expecting. At least she's sexy.[/i] That was a plus. Quiet certainly wasn't afraid of showing off her body, but neither was Karlie. "Ooh, naughty naughty. A good pick if I may say so myself. Make's it easy on you since there's hardly anything there." Karlie laughed and put the pair of butterfly wings back in the bag. Even without her undersuit on she would have accepted without much thought on Shannon's motives. The staff could suck it, after all it was how she powered up. The same went for just about any character there was. So long as they weren't particularly nasty. Some characters just made her skin crawl. Except she would have likely seen through one of them being Shannon's favorite character. [i]I wonder what kind of powers I will get. It doesn't matter. If can be half as cool as Quiet I'd be happy![/i] While she wasn't speaking as much, if anything she was more excited than before. Almost to the point of shaking with it. [i]If Shannon is offering to make me and outfit we must be growing closer![/i] Karlie popped off her helmet in anticipation, and so they could talk completely face to face. [u]Poppy Flanagan[/u] The sound of a trip into the jungle as bad as it did good. Normally she was all over doing exciting things, but they were usually more for attention than the actual activity. Still she had some friendly people with her and it wasn't likely that her not going was going to make them stay. With the amount of enthusiasm Theresa was showing it was even harder to decline. "Um, okay. I'll come along." If Dana was joining them in her wheel chair it couldn't have been anything too adventurous. "Wait- you have a knife?" Poppy didn't understand why she needed one, especially since it was against the rules. Then she realized that she didn't know who Henry or scales was, or that they were one in the same. It was scales that made her think of the right person and she was hoping that Henry was a nice teacher. Both of these were true, however they couldn't exist as the same time in her mind. It was challenging for her to believe that the giant lizard was all that friendly despite hearing him and her roommate chat. "Guys, so who is Henry? And yeah we can go talk to some other people, I hardly know anyone." [i]Like Henry, whoever he is.[/i] Of course she was sure they were about to tell her.