[quote=Dharc] I'm interested, just because I love gaming anime, but I'm kind of reluctant, because what Spoo said is very true, and I think that about most of the ideas given here, they rarely hit the ground and stay with all of the activity and fun that usually entails in a genuinely successful roleplay.+ I've always wanted to see a fight between Kite and Kirito or BlackRose and Asuna. Just saying. [/quote] Well it won't hurt to try it out and see where it goes :) if it doesn't work then in the famous words of Dane Cook "I did my best, I did my best, I did my best" lol +those would be an awesome match up [quote=Kumori Master] Actually, I'd like to put down my interest for this if you don't mind! ^^Although, I've played a most of the PS2 .Hack games. I actually don't know anything about SAO. Anyhow, if that's no problem, I'm in. (But I'm not quite sure what High Casual means exactly.) [/quote] I have no minds o.o lol I think you'll be fine, considering it will be an entirely new story. I'm just mixing things that I like from the two and throwing a few of my own ideas in the blender. Also high casual just means I'd like for the bar to be raised from your average casual rp, but not so much to make it advanced. Like longer posts for example.