Name - Joshua Arrowsmith Race - Human (for now? explain below) Personality - Josh is a nice, caring guy who loves to joke around, usually trying to lighten the mood in bad or dangerous situations. Josh is also a very determined and stubborn individual, you can't change his mind once he has made it up. Josh also LOVES to play hero, usually trying to save the day even though he might be outmatched, outnumbered or out gunned. Bio - Josh grew up in a normal household, his mother and father both had jobs, his father a lawyer and his mother was a nurse at a local hospital, they lived in the richer part of town. But that doesn't mean Josh was a spoiled kid, in his family he has to work for everything he had, everything was normal for the longest time up until grade eleven, weird things started to happen around him, when he would walk around at night like he did every night he would feel as though he were followed everywhere he went, he would also feel watched during most of the day, the only time he wouldn't feel watched or followed is when he was around his mother. He brought this news to her and she laughed and told him not worry. But it seemed to get worse after that, the next few weeks were hell, he would hear someone talking to him in his dreams and things around his house seemed to move or go missing on a daily basis. He brought this news to his mother again, she seemed upset or angry and said she would take care of it. Curious Josh followed her to work the next day, she made a stop at some old house, she knocked on the door and a ghastly old woman opened the door the conversation was normal until his mother told the old hag to leave her son alone, the woman cackled "can't a grandmother see her own grandson?". They had an argument and Josh's mother made a threat to the old woman and stormed off. The old woman watched her leave "you shouldn't eavesdrop young man". The woman said as she was suddenly behind him. Appearance - [url=]Josh[/url] Inventory - Cell phone,Small pocket knife made of silver that his mother gave him Age - 17 Other: I was wondering if things like seers,witches,Wizards or Fae could exist in this universe as well.