[u]Matthew[/u] Matt listened in to what Adam had to say, nodding and turning his attention to the new targets he had been given to practice with. He wanted to try something flashy, of course he did. If you could do something flashy and be pretty able to do so time and time again, you would be demonstrating the skill required for mastery of said skill. Matt had achieved some pretty flashy feats using Biokinesis, but Aerokinesis? He had not done much. He began focusing on what Adam had said, to be more fluid in motion. He used every body part in manipulating the air around him, ranging from martial art like kicks to technique punches. Air surging forward against the targets, showing what he was doing had some effect, but was largely ineffective. He sighed. This wasn't like Biokinesis where he could use his own body as a weapon of destruction or creation. This was an extension of his body, not part of it. He took a deep breath, and straightened back up. He preferred to train in peace, where everyone wouldn't be watching him and he wasn't under any pressure, but then again pressure was where everything improved beyond what normal training could yield. He took several steps backward, away from the targets. Then he took a step forward, his arms stretching out, one nearly meeting his toe while the other outstretched behind him. He leaned against his back leg, and closed his eyes, and focused on breathing. He slowly but surely spun, his arm that extended towards his toe coming back behind him and his foot coming up, displaying superb flexibility, and extending in a kick like fashion. As he turned on his opposite heel to face the targets again, he kicked forward. A forceful, powerful kick. He fell back down heavily on the foot he had kicked with, but a powerful whistle of air sounded out, kicking up rocks and dust on it's way into the middle target, which audibly creaked for a moment when the air met it, but did not fall. This almost Tai Chi like move focused more on inner energy over power. He opened his eyes again, and repeated the same motion again on the opposite foot, causing the target to creak again. Matthew knew no official martial arts- he only knew how to street fight, but he had always been one to observe details in every movement. Videos he had seen on youtube, TV shows, movies, everything he picked up on and was usually able to deduce whether it was possible or not. He was attempting to copy martial artists he had seen in the past. He continued his practice, slowly getting a little better every time, not necessarily in power but in speed. His actions became slightly faster and more fluid with each use. He sighed for a moment, his eyes glowing again as he took in more charge from the air around him. This power was extremely useful. It amazed him that he had never attempted it on a large scale due to how easy it was to access a source for it. [u]Henry[/u] "I hope he doesn't want to fight me. I haven't exactly done anything... I hope?" Henry said, his eyes wide at the couple that had just approached them. Of course his only moment of potentially happiness was squashed underneath the weight of a huge panda bear. He had heard the two fighting earlier, but had paid no attention to them then. Now they were here right in front of him. The panda man rivaled him in height, and based upon that beer gut he sported most likely had some weight on him as well. Henry was solidly built and had not an ounce of fat on him, and probably only rivaled the Panda's weight because muscle weighed more that fat. "The feeling of initial intimidation is likewise." Henry said, putting his hand on his head and smiling. "Shit man," Henry began, extending one of his hands to the panda. "Nice to meet you." he said. He attempted to break the ice now. "Yeah, Henry's my name. I'd make a Chemistry joke right about now, but all my good ones Argon." He said, smiling. "This is Victoria up here." He said, pointing up ward to the girl who was sitting on his shoulders. Henry would've blushed when Asae referred to them as a couple if he was capable of doing that (or had cheeks). He would admit it was a bit odd. At least Tetsuya was mammal and had all the basic bits to him that every other mammal had. Then there was him with his super e-peen. What the hell was he going to use that shit for? He knew full well it was against rule zero (he put on sunglasses and joined the 4th wall destruction club) to go into detail about any of his stuff. So he would keep his thought process short. Thankfully he hear someone in the group inquire about who Henry was. "Victoria cover me in the convo." he said, lifting her off his shoulders and turning her around to face the opposite direction he was. He then turned around so Victoria could continue talking to Tetsuya and Asae and he could speak to whoever called him. He scanned the crowd, listening for the voice that had asked his name. He homed in on a little girl. A tiny thing. "What would be me!" he half yelled, raising one arm into the air to get Poppy's attention. "Hey Tess, bring Dana and the new girl over!" he said, grinning in their direction. Maybe he could get the two groups he was speaking to together instead of turning himself and Victoria into a living transformer.