Hiiiiiiiiii~~!!^^ K, so like this may not be exactly anti-oppresive thinking... But this was my idea for homosexual females to bypass male-female sexual intercourse in a RP. My character, JaSi is a faerie that will be able to make babies with another female faerie by using a magical seed. They plant said magical seed and it will grow into a tree and when the flowers on the tree blossoms, baby faeries will be born from the flowers. No need for intercourse, but they must plant the seed together. Magic. Yays^^!! My other charrie, Genie, is from a deviant type of female werewolf that can mate with other females. And if they do mate, the other female will give birth to a wolf cub. Ewww... yes, I knows, I knows, but there is much more to it than that... xDDDDD And then there is Desiree. My friend also helped me flesh out the the ideas for her attitude. She said that this is my most 'feminist' charrie yet. I had the idea for the Lacroix's and she helped me make her a bad-ass cuz yeah... Bunnita is So Not Badass ;D But I like that her family is always run by a current matriarch. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/801326] Desiree Anne Simone-Lacroix! [/url] Oh! [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1773138]And this is Duplo. [/url] This is Bunnita's 'Wah-I'm-a-girl' charrie. Yes, but she is also a character that can handle herself, but only at night. My friend also said that Duplo is my social commentary charrie... meh, I can kinda' see it, but I don't think she's meant to be much more than a character in a fantasy. Duplo is a neat concept regardless, IMHO. ;D Okay, so I don't know if that helps the conversation, but there. ;D Right. ~Later~~!!