[quote=Sable]As for more freedoms for the industry, you're pulling that out of your misinformed ass.[/quote] Actually no. Let's look at a topic or theme such as say... The Holocaust. A horrid event where millions of people were systematically rounded up, worked and killed simply for their race, religion, sexuality or mental disorder. We have people alive today who are survivors of such an event, it is a sensitive topic to many people. But we have many books and movies based on it, books and movies are allowed to be made about such topics because they are respected as forms of art. But what would happen if a Video Game tried? People would outrage, they'd attack the field for claiming it's making a 'game' or joke out of a seriously matter. Trivializing it to joysticks, and button presses. But if Video Games were seen and respected as another art form then it wouldn't have such scrutiny, it could tackle those sensitive topics the the same way Movies and Books could.