[quote=Magic Magnum] Depends on the definition of feminism.-If you mean third-wave, as in the belief/idea that women are always discriminated against, men suck *yadda yadda probably the shit you said you didn't want to debate about*.I simply don't mention it. I have enough anger/frustration dealing with such people in the real world, I don't want such things also infecting the Fantasy escape I have.-If you mean the goal of Gender Equality (Basically 1st wave feminism), I normally don't address it. In most worlds/RP's I'm in men and women are already seen as equals, no judgements made so it just doesn't become an issue. So no woman character of mine ever goes around acting like they need to 'prove' anything against men. Men are people, women are people, we're all people.The only time the topic of feminism may come up is if say I'm writing a Villain and to get across he's a villain I may give him a trait such as "Claims young women as his own property to 'play' with as he wills". Usually it's not a sex specific trait, but some characteristic seen as cruel/evil to help get across that this is an evil dude.That or it's to fit the setting, such as say a Medieval land. Women are still expected to stay in the house, provide for their husbands, if they resist sexual advances they're called a prude etc.Mainly as a literary device to get across that this is not a nice world. [/quote] In the Middle Ages they were expected to resist sexual advances by anyone other than their husbands. I don't think being called a prude was something to worry about but the opposite. If they were open about their sexuality they could end up being labeled a loose woman all the way up to being forced into a priory or even called a witch.