[center] [b][u]My Parents Gave Me This : [/b][/u]Shay Ortella [b][u]But This Sounded Cooler :[/b][/u] the Black Hole [b][u]My Parents Did Not Decide This…I Think :[/b][/u] All Woman [b][u]The World Has Been Doomed for This Many Years :[/b][/u] 28 [b][u]People Think I’m Crazy But I’m Really :[/b][/u] A crazy self centered flirtatious bitch with a sailors mouth. But seriously, there is a bit of a front put up to keep up the rumors of how bad ass she is and get the respect of the gang, but when the dust settles and she's all alone she loves to read mystery novels, breathe deeply, and write poetry, albeit dark and gruesome poetry. [b][u]Why I’m so Bad :[/b][/u] Quick witted, always with a sassy come back, beautiful hard-earned lithe yet muscular body, swift reflexes, fast and furious, trigger happy, blade wielding, parkour perfecting skills, all to be out done during moments of clumsiness, which usually gives herself away prematurely during intense stake outs and moments of sneak attacks; most people don't like to work with her or be paired as her partner. Nobody wants to deal with her clumsiness or her loud, abrasive and stubborn attitude. And yet, she gets her shit done. She has nothing to lose and everything to gain. [b][u]World Beware My Power! : [/b][/u] Aside from her skilled use of her pistols and blade, both passed down from her Grandfather, Shay has the ability to hide within shadows. Her ability is a defense mechanism she can use for escape and moderate teleportation. Shay can choose to either hide within a shadow, unseen and untouchable, or use a shadow to transport herself to another area within 25 miles. She can also send shadows to others to use them for the same purpose, concealing and hiding or sending them away. If she uses her teleportation ability for too long of a time or too many long distance travels she can over exert herself and will crash with fatigue, needing time to recover. [b][u]Random Things You May Want to Know For No Real Reason :[/b][/u] Her right arm is tattooed from her shoulder down to her wrist, with a tattoo scribe running along her ribcage. She wears her father's military dog tags around her neck to remember him, having lost him when he was serving his country. What did he get for giving and not taking? Death. Her mother worked tirelessly as a nurse and helping others; she ended up getting cancer and passing away when her father was away serving. She vowed living her life getting what she deserved no matter what it took, living a life for herself. That is how she came across E.V.I.L and began working for them. [b][u]I’m Just That Cool : [/b][/u] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/27xf2gm.jpg[/IMG] 5"7 ~130lbs, olive skin, black hair, dark blue eyes [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/r6x06p.jpg[/IMG] Eyes turn from dark cobalt blue to solid black when she uses her shadow powers. [/center]