Hot Rod had trouble hearing clearly, but he heard Light's voice and he was somewhat relieved. When she asked him a question, he tried to remmeber what had happened, but it all was blur to him with vague flashbacks popping in every couple of seconds. "Polaris...Beam of light....wall....concussion..." that was all he could say, his head felt terrible and he felt some kind liquid run down his face. When he rubbed his hands over the place where the liquid was, he looked at his hand and despite his blurred vision, he saw that it was stained with blood, The liquid was his blood, which was coming out of a wound on his head. When he heard Sonja ask if they won, Hot Rod was unable to talk, he just gave a pained groan as he tried to stay conscious. This mission was most certainly not his best and he would have some explaining to do to his wife when he got home. --- Ocean Warrior followed Vigilance, and soon came upon the hero being strangled by the villain Flasher. He pointed his trident at the criminal and carefully aimed a beam of heat at the villain. "Taste the wrath of the ocean, scum!" he shouted at Flasher. --- St Francis trailed behind Pariah and Morningstar, keeping a look out for eminent danger. Just then, he saw Stalker come at them and then the legion's henchmen also came. St Francis had to quickly make a choice on whether to assist Morningstar or Pariah. He decided that Pariah looked like he needed more help, and St Francis made sure to keep himself covered from bullet fire. He drew from his large wells of Divine Mana to cause large vines to grow rapidly out of his staff, and the plants shot towards the henchmen, seeking to ensnare them in tight bindings. He managed to get two tangled up in the plants, but he was hoping to get the others before more could come to their aid.