[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] "That's a lot of pressure, ragazza. I already have a life depending on mine." He opened his eyes, but didn't react to the knife yet. "It's a wonder that you'd stoop to my level. Why would you do that?" Bending backwards quickly away from the knife, he kicked her hand to knock it out. Popping back to his normal size, he reached up to catch it and stood there looking toward where he thought she was. "I think you'll be a good teacher. If I survive, that is." [/quote] "I am not allowed to kill you." Roxy told him. She figured she might as well get that out of the way. "I don't even have to make you wish you were dead." She told him as she kicked his feet out from under him. "I just have to make sure you survive and that your strong enough to keep me and the others alive."