[u][i]Adam Leo Blackmore.[/i][/u] Very good. Miss Ravencroft was taking Daniel off his hands, and his students were so expertly demonstrating their powers. This would yield more results than what he previously thought. Honestly, he was hoping that something would go differently this session. He watched as Zack demonstrated his ability further. Hm, the young telekinetic seems to have a very exercised control over his power. He got a bit of information from the usage. "Very good." Adam complimented, but very blankly. "You exercise a very precise control over your power. Where many telekinetics have struggled to preform what you just did." He knew that Zack was experienced enough to do the simple things. What about the heavier materials? Adam needed to know the telekinetic's [i]limits[/i] before he can push them. He pulled out his remote and pressed a button, and another trap door opened, pushing up three smoothly cut metal blocks. They each were a different size, and thus, a different weight. One small, one large, and one in between that. Adam turned back towards Zack, "... However, I wish for you to demonstrate again with heavier materials this time." Juggling several students at once was a challenge, but nothing truly new. Adam turned his eye towards Matt and saw that he was still practicing with his ability. Obviously incorporating martial arts into his airbending. Just the kind of thing he was looking for. "Keep up the good work, Detmer." Adam tipped his glasses, and turned away from. The darkness manipulator was demonstrating her ability yet again. She was crafting more with her shadows, shifting and bending them into shapes... Weapon. [i]Good god, she's improving.[/i] If there was one thing that Adam [i]hated[/i], it was making this sociopath [i]better[/i]. He has a job, and that job was important to him, and thus the students were important to him. Whether he likes it or not, Vespera [i]is[/i] a student. [i]For now.[/i] He would take the first chance he could to remove her from this island. [i]For now...[/i] "Might I suggest something, Vespera?" He turned to her, "You could create a weapon similar to a mace. However, with a powerset like yours, I would suggest sticking to more... [i]Direct[/i] means." Creating weapons with a power like hers seemed impractical, and inefficient. "Your power wouldn't make creating constructs the best choice." He blankly stated before turning away from her again. Ah, yes, Kristen, the pheromone manipulator. She explained her situation to him, and he fully understood that she wanted to keep this on the DL. It was recommended by Adam himself. He had been using his air manipulation to stave off the effects, he wished he could do the same for everyone else. He leaned in closely to Kristen, whispering in her ear. He used his air manipulation to disrupt the flow of sand, so nobody would be able to hear him ([i]Unless there's a telepath, but fuck them[/i]). "We can talk in peace now, nobody can hear us. You are a pheromone generator, that alter the behavior of those around you based off your own emotions. I noticed that from the second you stood up, and have been using my own ability to ward them off." He took a step away from her. Nobody would hear them. [u][i]Jake & Gabe Valos.[/i][/u] [i]Hm?[/i] Something finally broke their murderous boredom. Some pale ass chick was storming past them looking angry as fuck. Not any angrier than Gabe was, but the girl got Jake's curiosity. And that she was kinda hot. White hair, obviously French facial features, strangely colored, exotic tattoos... She looked pissed off, though - but he always had that [i]pretty-boy[/i] charm that disarmed even the angriest girls. He could try to talk her down, and show her the 218's finest! Which just so happened to be the Valos. Then he could make a friend out of her. Though, he wasn't going to flirt with her right off the bat. Come on! He wasn't some horndog that jumped to the first good looking girl and tried to hump her leg (Just like Danny-boy up there tried to do, except with more failure). Heavens no! "Hey, I'm so bored right now that I'm willing to try talking to tall, [i]white[/i] and venomous up there." He spoke of Evan's first three main traits. He got up and started walking over to her. "Hm?" She dryly looked at Evan. This was the first time that Gabe was distracted from her bout of murderous boredom. She just shrugged and closed her eye for a second. If Jake wants to chat up another girl then. Until it [i]dawned[/i] on her, that is - [i]Jakey is leaving me here to watch this circlejerk while he chats up a girl. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that.[/i] "Hey, you ain't leaving me here to sit on my ass!" Gabe hissed as she ran after Jake twice as fast. Okay, well, Jake was hoping he'd do this alone. Gabe isn't the most disarming person on the planet. In fact, she causes more cause for alarm. Whatever. Long as she doesn't start jawing, things will be just [i]dandy[/i] - Dandy like Jake. When he approached her... He realized how stupid he looked in this suit. He rather be wearing one of his more elegant outfits. The ones that just make him look great. Well, he'll have to make due. He shot Evan a disarming smile, and  "Hello there, madam. I am Jake Vin Valos, I saw you walk past and figured you'd be a good talk. Yes?" Gabe elbowed Jake lightly, whispering (But defeating her own purpose since it was loud), "... Hey jackass, introduce me." "... And this is my [i]annoying[/i] twin sister Gabriela Valos." Jake said, in the same charming manner as before. Getting death glares from Gabe. [u][i]Shannon Jacqueline Balore, & Deborah Lillian Termellio.[/i][/u] [i]... Would this swing make a good noose?[/i] Shannon smirked when her attempt to make Karlie humiliate herself partly backfired. The implication (that was [i]pretty obvious[/i]) went clean over Karlie's little head and she's going along with it. [i]Well, shame on me for forgetting this little hooker wouldn't take the first chance to show skin.[/i] Shannon rolled her eyes. If she [i]really [/i]wants to do it. Shannon stood straight up, and started molding the outfit for Karlie (Using that makeshift swing, and some of Karlie's costume). Until she had a [i]perfect[/i] copy of it. "Try it on right now!" She said with sarcastic glee. Detective time was over. Deborah had to pay her two guests some attention and... ([b]Shannon is attempting to humiliate Karlie[/b])... [i]Oh god, she is really going to wear that?[/i] ([b]Yes[/b]) [i]No shame, no shame Karlie.[/i] "Oh my god, Shannon, you're [i]so[/i] bad!" Deborah had to contain the laughter. "People. Are. [i]Watching[/i]." She said with a silly smile on her face. "So? This is [i]training[/i] here. Adam told us we're free to [i]practice[/i]." Shannon said in jest, making the outfit float around Deborah. "This is [i]practice[/i]." She inquisitively put up a finger. "It goes against dress code a little bit." Deborah said with a giggle in her voice. "I don't think Adam would appreciate our [i]mischief.[/i] Especially what you did last time." Last class Shannon turned Adam's suit into a dress (Complete with a bra). That ended predictably. Still hilarious though. [u][i]Theresa Sindel Obott, & Dana Lucille Alcott[/i][/u] Tess started laughing when Poppy voiced her concerns (More or less) over Tess having a knife. "... I can safely say you[i] won't[/i] like my bow and arrow either." She giggled, putting a hand over her lips. Knives and arrows were standard fair for the Obott family. Since the adults usually didn't give the kiddies dangerous firearms (She did shoot a gun a few times though). "Yeah, I got a knife, I keep it hidden though so you don't have to worry about it." Theresa chuckled again, "I should tell you that I go huntin' a lot. So I'm cool with stuff like knives or arrows." She was completely calm about it. Of course if Poppy wasn't [i]okay[/i] with it, then Tess was going to give it to Dana. After all, Dana is the person who holds onto it while Tess is enjoying her [i]va-cat-ion[/i]. Dana was quiet during their conversation. Knife-play and hunting was something that wasn't in Dana's field of skills. So she kept her mouth shut until Henry came up in the conversation, "Well-" Until Henry flat out called them over, apparently hearing what Poppy said. [i]Damn, his hearing must be that good.[/i] Dana thought to herself as she looked over to Henry. He was with the pandaman who caused that stir, and the woman who said she was his fiance. Well, this piqued some interested. Well, they were looking for someone to talk to. "Coming!" Dana shouted. Theresa stood straight up, doing a stretch, "... Speak of the Devil." She said with a playful laugh, she helped Poppy up. "Let's go." She walked over to the group. There was Henry alright, Pandaman was too similar to Henry, so that didn't cause too much alarm. The girl with the eyepatch... Now she looked out of place here. She looked deathly hostile, but Tess's sheer [i]charm[/i] could disarm even the most vicious girl. That, or the drugs. "Hello, hello, hello...." Tess greeted everyone. She noted that there were people here that she didn't know. "I am [i]Theresa[/i], sometimes called [i]Tess[/i] it is [i]so[/i] nice to meet all of you." Tess was speaking with a bravado in her voice. She figured that she'd introduce "This is my friend [i]Poppy Flanagan[/i]!" Dana hesitantly rolled up ([i]Why won't they let me use this?[/i]) with her fabulous new wheelchair. Her helmet was resting in her lap ([i]I can't even feel it...[/i]). Dana was so used to people like Henry that Tetsuya's sheer size didn't bother her at all. "Hi," Dana said with a warm smile, "I'm... [i]Dana Alcott[/i]. Full student here. Nice to meet everyone."