Character Skeletons. My Parents Gave Me This : [Name] Genesis Evagreen But This Sounded Cooler : [Villain Name] Destiny Reader My Parents Did Not Decide This…I Think : [Gender] Female The World Has Been Doomed for This Many Years : [Age] 17 People Think I’m Crazy But I’m Really: Just a sad person who likes to ponder on the past. It really ain't a bad hobby once you start getting the feel of things really. It allows you to give yourself to reflect on the past and what you could of done, and wouldn't have done if you were to do things again. But like it is you can only change the future and not the past. But then, the present is also a confusing place to be as well... Why I’m so Bad : [Background] Genesis was always looked at to be a regular person who would easily blend in with the crowd but she always wanted to be different. Her appearance wouldnt matter to her, but what did was what she could do to stand apart from the ordinary. She definitely was a try-hard in school and always loved to compete with the other kids especially the sporty ones (And those too were the cute ones). Her skill in almost everything she did as a kid seemed to always go out good for her as if she was gifted with good luck or something similar to that but the adults always thought that she was just talented. But from what everyone knew, Genesis from the start of pre-school had discovered she was different from the other kids. She could almost walk back in time but when she did something was different and that was all she knew. And so she took advantage of that and sought out experimenting with her powers even when she was a little kid. Once she got into middle school things... were better if you would say so. At this age Genesis had unlocked and learned the basics of her powers. But even then they were draining on her but despite that; the fears that she could preform were amazing to her and anyone else who could see it. She could at this point change the destiny of anything by a small tiny amount which could result in a fate that was different that it was suppose to have. During this age Genesis didnt experiment with her powers, she took a interest in the mechanics of her abilities and studied how they worked. But besides that, all she know about her powers are very little and at most she has a vague idea of what she can do at her level... But give her several more years and she will be a force to be wary of, if your not careful.... World Beware My Power! : [Powers/Skills] ---Start of Super Awesome Powers :D--- Blinding Destiny- This is the only offensive and defensive ability Genesis has in her arsenal, which isnt a great thing it it will have to do. This ability causes all the most similar timelines to gather in one spot before Genesis opens them all, letting a glowing light blind everything and everyone, even herself if she isnt careful. This spell is easily noticed because it looks like threads of string are gathering into her hands and swirling up into a ball of thread. Timeline Shift- The ability of shifting timelines is nearly infinite as each time line is certain to have differences within all of them making new one appear while others are closed. This makes certain options which you may want be denied to you in this time line you are currently in. But then there must be a draw-back to infinite time travel right? Of course, traveling through time transferring all your matter is quite difficult considering all the human body contains making it very tiresome to use. At most 2-3 jumps could be simultaneously and that would be all for that day. But if used separately 5 jumps could be succeed in one day. (The first jump is a 1.0 drain while everyone after is like a 1.5 drain) Shattering Destiny- A powerful ability which is basically a ability which forces her out of the current timeline into another. Basically a teleportation spell with a basic system of considering variables to grant the best timeline where she is safe. This ability is basically a last ditch move to save herself, and this ability cannot be turned off as she cannot control this ability herself. It will always teleport her when she cant do anything and will continue doing that until a) the threat is gone/dead or b) She is dead from the threat or exhaustion of this spell. ---End of Awesome Super Powers and to the Lame ones xD--- Im a Psychic?- Genesis has the ability to 'foresee' into the future of a person she chooses. Although she doesn't know when or where the even will take place, all she know is that even will most likely happen but most people dont believe her cause she just a teenager... It is also possible to see her own destiny which applies the same rules as if she was doing it to others Tarot Cards- Another form of looking into the future, Genesis always carries around a deck of tarot cards which she uses to see into the relative future. This form of scrying isnt really accurate but it provides a vague glimpse into the future and what might happen. This form of scrying is the fastest as well as the most confusing so she doesnt often try this. These cards are enchanted so they cannot be destroyed for whatever reason, unless they are deleted from existence then... whatever. A Crystal Ball?!- The most unbelievable form of scrying, Genesis whenever she has a Crystal ball has the ability to 'foresee' the future but not into the alternate time lines. This scrying technique, lets her see the current timeline that she is in letting her view everything that is currently happening. Its basically a camera letting her see a certain person that she wants as long as there is no interference. Palm Reading...- Just....No... (Lets the person she reads have a supernatural awareness of the next bad thing that happens to them; basically giving them several seconds to react) --- Random Things You May Want to Know For No Real Reason : Nope I’m Just That Cool : [Appearance] [url=]Too Save Space Lol[/url]