"Sure you will," He chuckled softly at her, his eyes following her figure as she walked away from him. He could hear her moving around once she was out of sight, the floorboards creaking with every step she took. Her voice reached out to him from deeper within the cabin, her voice filling his ears, telling him that she didn't like 'these' stupid games. [i]What games?[/i] Thane thought with a furrowed brow. "I'm not doing anything, he called out to her, her response being that whatever it was wasn't funny. The hair on his neck began to rise as he realised that there was something actually happening near her. "Erin, ho-" He began, his words being muffled as a blacked hand clamped down onto his mouth, the fingers digging into his flesh liked daggers. Other hands burst forth from behind him, grabbing onto his limbs and torso, enveloping him in a mass of wriggling shades until he was consumed by darkness before simply vanishing from sight into his own shadow. Blackness flooded his vision, not from his sight being obscured, but from the environment he was within. He tried to move his hand in front of his face, only to find that his hands were bound to unseen manacles hanging from either a wall or posts, keeping him stretched out like a T. "Erin?" he called out into the darkness, hearing his voice carry on indefinitely, becoming softer and softer until it faded into nothingness. "Close," a voice bounced back to him, it raspy and thick as if the speaker's mouth was filled with jam and their throat parched. Steps echoed throughout the void, each one closer and closer, louder and louder, more and more resolute than the last. It wasn't until the speaker was just before him, mere inches from his face that it was clear who it was that had captured him. "Hello, father." Thane said flatly, no hint of love within his voice. No hint of any positive emotion really. "My boy," the voice returned, patting Thane on the cheek as if he were a puppy properly performing a trick, "So glad you remember me so fondly." The speaker, Thanatos, was now face to face with Thane, his one eye glaring brightly into Thane's two. "How've you been, boy. You seldom write me, I get worried." The god mocked grief, his breath flooding Thane's noise, the scent of sulfur and rotting meats flooding his senses. A hand grabbed onto Thane's hair, the skin like sandpaper to his scalp. "I see that you've been in control of yourself, boy. The touch has hardly spread. At this rate I worry you'll never live up to any of our expectations." Thanatos breathed in almost a whisper, his grip on Thane's hair tightening, threatening to tear the follicles from their roots. The touch of Thanatos began to burn like boiling oil on Thane's scalp, a spike of pain jolting through him as if a spike were driven directly into his skull. "You feel that, boy. That's the touch of death itself." Thanatos growled like a hound into Thane's ear, jerking Thane's head back with a sharp tug before releasing him, the hand moving to tightly grasp Thane's throat. "Believe me, boy. You'll be of use to me yet. If you were a bit less eager to disappoint me, this would be a good deal easier." The hand of Death went on, his grip never lessening as Thane began to vainly kick and sharply gasp under the god's grasp. "You'll learn soon enough what's been done, boy. Now go play with the other brats and do your best not to die. I'm in no mood for another failure." Thane last heard, consciousness drifting away as darkness clouded his mind. Thane awoke with a sharp gasp in a new world of darkness, filled with other campers, most of which Thane wasn't overly keen on. To those around him he had emerged from a shadow, though as far as Thane was aware, he had been standing in the chasm for an indefinite time. The pain in his head had lessened now to a sharp headache, nothing akin to the intense migraine from earlier. His eyes slowly blinked and as he always did, he ran a hand through his hair as if it would clear his head. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on, though if he had any guess it would be a god fucking with them, which usually meant life or death. And he had already experienced a bit of that with his own father. Thane slowly made his way over to Erin who was by a sleeping Syl. "You alright?" He weakly asked, his body already drained of energy from his father's little visit. He was still unaware to the change his father had made, his hair now white as bone, while the white of his left eye was black as night. A new blacked tendril having crawled up the back of his neck, through his hair and directly down to his eye, blighting everything it its path. Thanatos's little touch aiding in the spreading of Thane's ailment.