Tillion had, meanwhile, hacked into the ships systems and had discovered its real reason for the additional troop movements and energy placement was not them, but a hulking great dreadnaught of some description, at-least that's what sensors and shortwave chatter indicated. "Dario, captain. We might just get out of this without being noticed, but it looks like this ship is a gonna!" Tillion said over their closed communication system. "Get the kit, get the crew and then lets get out!" Tillion advised. "Agreed, get the ship ready, turn her back on and I will meet you aboard with the rest of the crew." Dario replied before she blasted a whole in a cargo container with her energy stick. "Ok, get the weapons, get the uniforms and grab the id-badges. It may be that our employer caused this attack. I dont care. He has money, money I want and he will part with it for some uniforms and ID from this crew." She barked out her orders before heading back to the GGS:MINE, Crew in tow.