On occasion Blizzard did sleep here, sprawled out on the floor without any concern about being stepped on. Usually he was alone. This bedroom had been empty for quite some time but that morning something bumped him and went spilling down against the wood- graceless. If not for being woken suddenly he probably would have been amused because this clumsy girl was Ava and honestly how did one forget they had a dragon sleeping next to their bed. He grumbled and would have complained longer had she not took to scratching the right spots. When she moved away he struggled momentarily to right himself, his wings getting in the way. By the time he had righted himself she was already heading down the stairs. Well, wasn't she excitable? He wouldn't have minded sleeping a bit longer. "Morning Ava" Hiccup put a plate of scrambled eggs down in front of her chair, they heard the commotion from upstairs and figured she'd be showing up any minute- and she did. "Did you sleep well?" He didn't want this to be awkward, this was his daughter. Then Blizzard transformed and sat down in the remaining chair, not seeming to care he was naked and now things were awkward. The dragon turned boy offered up a sort of stupid smile "where's my breakfast?" Which was really no way to be polite, fortunately Toothless slunk over then, knocking the chair out from under his own kid before regurgitating fish on him. Hiccup cringed with an exasperated cry: "not at the table Toothless."