I love playing MMORPGs. I’ve been bouncing around various games for years. As I play, I conjure up intricate backstories for my characters and I’m always eager to share those ideas with others. However, I just can’t get into the groove of in-game RP. Am I the only one that feels this way? I’ve tried in-game RP a few times via a friend and I get so nervous every time. I feel like the shy kid stepping into a huge party: I’m so desperate to fit in but I lack the skills and confidence to do so. Lately I get so nervous thinking about it that I make up excuses not to RP in-game at all. Sometimes my in-game RP turns out great and I’m always so elated to have successfully managed “social roleplay.” More often than not, however, I’m so nervous that my character ends up saying the wrong thing, performing the wrong action, I cannot keep up with the conversation at hand, or I feel so small and lost that anything my character does is drowned out by the actions and dialogue of more interesting characters. I’m typically and understandably never invited back to RP again. However, when it comes to forum/IM/email RP, I flourish. I am an aspiring writer, so I love being descriptive. In this format, I am in my element, so roleplaying with multiple people through written text isn’t nearly so daunting. I can weave my characters’ backstories in an interesting plot without worrying about messing up, and if I do write something incorrectly I’m not so mortified/embarrassed. All of my best RP moments have been through AIM or through email. I feel less restricted in this format. With in-game RP, I don’t feel like I’m writing at all, which makes it difficult for me to get into it. Am I the only MMO player/roleplayer who feels this way? I have a few gamer RP friends who are fantastic writers, but they (understandably) prefer to roleplay in-game. Successful in-game RP can be a wonderful experience, so I envy those that can work with it so comfortably. I just feel like there’s something wrong with me or my RP skills that I can’t bring my forum RP creativity into the virtual world like my friends can or that I get so nervous about the whole thing when they’re nothing but excited. I simply don't like in-game RP. I understand that my friends and I simply have different RP styles – they prefer in-game RP, I prefer forum/IM RP, and I should find like-minded individuals to roleplay with. I just want to know if I’m the only gamer that loves RP but doesn’t like doing it in-game… I guess I need reassurance that I’m not too much of an oddball in this regard *laughs* Thank you so much for reading this! *bows*